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6l-3a Kendall-Pcrrln 04-3 SAIE Ktndall-Parrlnt 4-37 SALE-Homes Miami Bch 104-59 SAIE-Mlramar NEW KENDALE SOUTH SUNKEN living room paneled family room 3 bedroom 2 bath central air-heat many Now 40500 Ryals Assoc 274-5104 POLLY HIL LJ a 1 1 or 665-1133 Therese Bennstt says: Our apartments are never empty long because of the ads in the -v" Herald To Place Your Rosult Getting Classified Ad Dade County: 350-2222 Call TOLL-FREE from anyplace in Florida 1-800-432-0581 2 BEDROOM Furn $190 air cond Adults no pats 605 68 St WALK TO SHQPi OCEAN Surfside ESTATE sale Fantastic 3 bedrooms 3 baths Florida room garage appliances drapes carpet soiinklers air cond MARBIN WOLIS INC 1853 NE 163 St Realtors 949-3317 and lonklnfl for a fm Iv that wants 3 bedroom 2 bath family room home with screened Datio Mv vital statistics Include 3 tons of central air beautiful big kitchen 2 car side entry oarage cornet of course I'm waiting tor you on my bio Int Unbelievable at (36000 Quail Roost Dr area KERR REAL ESTATE 1 22? iDir I Realtors 235 2491 DADELAND teoooooBoooeeeoaoeoooooeeeeooQoeoeoooeooooocoae 17-C THE MIAMI HERALD Mon Nov 8 1971 05-01 Business Opportunities 05-01 Business Opportunities WATER-DOCK-POOL CENTRAL AIR MODERN GUEST ROOM NEWMAN Realtors 1663 Michigan 531 6667 0922 Money to Lon 05-10 Want Business Ouptys NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY SALE RENT UASF 3 BEDROOM 2-bath gverslred lot jt and heat Carpets and kitchen-dish-washer disposal Covered oatio sprinkler system $46900 Bv aopoint-ment 9001 Kendall OK 271-0162 LUXURY HOME IN THE 3 BEDROOM 2 bath pool air corner woods newly decorated FHA sw EXCELLENT store location Downtown established dress shops for sale 374 0863 or 379-9749 SEVERAL private American Oil stations for lease for alert dealers 625 2236 GENERAL contractor will qualify or supervise vour poiect Commercial Residential Industrial town houses or Apts 665-9853 2 BEDROOM BEAUTY I BATHS eat-ln kitchen senarate dmma area laroe Florida room air cond carnet and draoes carnort fenced Now only (26iOO Call 232-2000 Realtor TARN0W REALTY CORP 04-82 North Carolina LIQUOR license wanted Must be 4COP and transferable to Dade County unincorporated araa Call Bob Tenen 358-6735 BEbT BUY IN THE ISLES 2 BFDROOM 2 bath garage family room situated on corner lot with central air and heat stove refrigerator dishwasher carpeting drapes and its within walkina distance to shonoitia bus lines recreation etc Owner will sell furnished or unfurnished Priced at 31900 unfurnished Immediate occupancy CHINELLY REAL ESTATE INC 966-7777 dav or night No toll 621J511 WATERFRONT 1 YEAR old 3 bedroom 2 bath faml-Iv room oarage Central atr and heat gorgeous shag carpeting throughout sprinkler system many extras Anxious owner save sell for $36 900 Call Kay Toro assoc 62CHINELLY REAL ESTATE INC 966-777 dav or night toll 625-3511 FHA $22500 2 BEDROOM 1 bath fenced yard air-cond A-1 area FHA $22500 Call MIRAMAR REALTY 981-5555 6338 Miramar Pkwv (H'daie BlvdO Eves and Sun 983-8505 or 989-8848 IDEAL home for retire or newly-1 weds-2 bedroom 1 bath oaraqe screened patio central heat air-cond many extras $25900 EXCEPTIONAL buv-2 bedroom 2 bath Florida room carport fireplace' ideal location $26900 Good terms NEW area-Miramar Park 3 bedroom 2 bath garage cabana room (can be used as 4th bedroom) Central heat air-cond refrigerator dishwasher washer-dryer home in excellent condition $34900 Good terms BOLAND REAL ESTATE JAMES BUCOLO REALTOR 7179 Pembroke Rd 989-8550 Realtors Eves Suns 989 8041 IMMEDIATE Well paving contacts arranged with the purchase of a new or used tandem dump truck Mr Galley 947 3411 11-2 daly auto salvaoe vard licensed Over 200 cars in stock olus eauipmentj 836-1121 DON Arden's Casa and property 4521 Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables FLORIST shop requires partner for expansion Herald NewsAdv 1299E DEPRESSION PROOF TIRED of market frustrations! Concerned about vour future economy? If you're interested In an ultra modern HOTPOINT Coin laundrv-Dry Cleaning store in Florida or Georgia and want to receive a yield of 30 to 55 on vour Investment the following locations are available Hia-leah-Bavshore-Mlami Beach-C oral Glade-Homestead AFTER 12 years of building over 300 successful coin-ops we can offer serious buyers know how that no one else can For appointment call cot lect or write WASHBOWL INC 9308 Dixie Hwy 33156 (305) 656-8509 QUICK ACTION 1st and 2nd Mortgages bought or placed ALL STATE MORTGAGE CO Seybold Bldg 379 6629 1ST OR 2ND MORTGAGE Bought Sold Placed any Amount MILTON ROTHMAN PO Box 637 Miami 667 833? WEBUY MORTGAGES7 1ST OR 2ND ANY AREA Norman Babel Mt9 Co 305-949-6378 CONSOLIDATE all bills no worries 1 easy payment quick courteous personal service no obligation FRIENDLY MORTGAGE CO 12301 NE 6 Ave Mia 754-5426 BEAUTIFUL 82 acre farm streams severe springs pond woods borders state maintained road 2500' many development possibilities ALSO Lake GlenvUe "Thorpe" Lake Frontage Lots $5500 Lake Access Lots $4400 ALSO 201 ACRE? near Hwy 107 springs streams views unpolluted 3800 elevation A real bargain BRETTHAUER Broker Qlenville NC 704 431-6111 WATERFRONT-POOL 1249 Blscava Drive Surfside -IRST time offered 3 bedrooms 3 baths plus servants ouarters Trt-level Magnificent view overlookino protected waterway no bridoes to bay Boat dock 100 ft waterfront bv iso geeo Shown bv aooomtment only Dan Sweeney Assoc 864-1271 eves Jack Justice Realtor 11 41 -96th SLM Inc 866-6211 41st Street Area VERY desirable one story 3 bedrooms 2 baths and maid's room Convenient to houses of worship shoDDinq transportation and schools Moderately priced FENTON MUSKAT REALTORS 529 Gdfrey Road 538 Mil WILL BUY PEST CONTROL FIRM MILLER the Killer Inc operating In Southeast States is Interested In buv-inq Florida Pest Control firm Will retain present manaaement and Personnel Send particulars to Mr Earl Hirsh 3601 Hessmer Metairie La 70002 VETERANS NO MONEY DOWN! BEDROOM 1 bath screened In patio and garden area utility room built In oven and range 75x100' lot near Cutler Ridqe shopping center and schools Low 20's Call Rolland Clark Associate 235-3131 South Dade Realty Inc Open 7 Days Realtors 24 hrs PRINT SHOP EXCELLENT location ideal equipment multi lith 2550 705 camera GBC Total Inventory Ready to go Complete art shoo 221-0165 or 264-0641 WANTED Paint and Wall paper business Herald-News Adv 1248 SEWING contractor for ladies sportswear and dresses Wants direct contract with manufacturer for cutting and manufacturing their gar-ments Call Mr Perez 885-3291 COSMETIC STUDIO MERLE Norman franchise esab-lished many vears steady business and larae customer file Reply Herald News Adv 1293E PART OR FULL TIME OPPORTUNITY WITH BESTLINE Ooes your ability exceed vour come? For information: visit our booth et the HOME SHOW or call Mr Pilafian 271-2512 SUN-UP REALTY CLOSE-OUT SALE 667-4441(24 HOURS) 233-1030 Immediate Occupancy WHISPERING PINES 19941 SW 92 Ava (200 St FranTo) BEAUTIFUL 1971 Model Homes are now being sold at an old once your chance to save money! These Model Homes feature rqe family rooms qver-sized Hollywood baths large closets dishwashers disposals range ana hood The homes are constructed of the finest quality materials Includinq Central air full carnet 3 coats of plaster completely sodded on oversized orermum corner lot No Money Down-Vets 10-Non-vets 434000-336000 BY OWNER KENDALL'S best location like new 3 bedroom 2 bath 14x32 family room central air-heat 2-car garage fenced back yard corner lot automatic sprinklers $46000 $35000 ex's Bv aPBointment only 8881 SW 87 St 1748484 NEED $1000 TO $100000 Or More? CASH quick at the action office 1st and 2nd mortqages on houses apis lots acreage Dade Broward and upstate Loans made where others have failed 24 hour service No hidden charges ever ASK YOUR BANK ABOUT US Norman Babel Mtg Co 1798 NE 163 St 949-6378 THE Four Lane Building Supply" Inc Brevard NC A $100000 business for $50000 with terms Well stocked with Electrical Supplies Hardware paints Piumbinq Supplies pumps and building materials Rail' road siding 2 trucks end fixtures NEAR Toxaway NC-Nice 3 bed' room 1 bath carport and utility room acre lot with Spring and Stream terms FARM-Near Lake Lure NC-92 acres with Streams Sprinqs and Lake Sites Ideal For with terms Edward Nelson Broker 0 Box 145 Cashiers 28717 7fM-45l-4151 nr 704-883-4114 OPEN 1-4 13101 SW 71 Ave JENNINGS Built 3 bedroom 2 bath oool home-Vj acre- on canal Can't be duplicated at this price A "MUST SEE" Gimalva Assoc 854-0880 STUART REALTY Reeltor 642-0566 TO INVEST $20000 In established business as a working partner Triebwasser 3015 Brighton 13 St Brooklyn NY 11235 MIAMI Beach commission bakery qood family opportunity Priced less than V2 times net income Call 531-7205 ESTABLISHED 21 years retail garden and pet supplies mower re- pair shop nJD a vidson 893-1341 DOWNTOWN Bar Liauor Food 100 Flagler 379-0073 Easy Terms PROFITABLE STAMP ROUTE Priced right 448-4501 or 854-3993 WILL buy ladies apparel any size any amount 531-5228 COIN laundry equipment for sale 20 Frigidaire washers 6 dryers boil ers com changer chairs etc Lease terminated Sale urgent 865-5447 FHA $24500 2 BFDROOM 2 bath Florida room screen porch air-cond plus more Harrison Real Estate Inc 1451 State Rd 7 Hvwd 966-0050 Broker 989-2066 L()()K "WIMBISH FOR WATERFRONT" DEFINITELY DELUXE CONFIDENTIAL listing on superior waterfront estates from $250000 Tod locations top quality for the successful majj By appointment Please! Paul Wimbish Realtor 456 Arthur 531-7676 BLOCK to ocean 1 bedroom 1 bath home with 3 rental units Reduced to $31000 KJarabash Broker 947043 ESTATE LIQUIDATION Unfurn $60000 1440 Northview Dr Sunset Island No Real beautiful home Shown bv appointment JOHN REID Broker 538-1407 BY OWNER 4 bedroom 2 bath eentral air fenced yard on 'h acre Carpet throughout $49000 8602 SW 102 St 274-2365 IF YOU NEED 2nd MORTGAGF WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT Call 223-6745 Stevens Mortgage Co 8781 Bird Rd USED car business with 20 cars Small investment 759-9325 DRY CLEANfNG and liUndry equipment in plant ready to run or move to your location 3 vears old top line machinery Counters fans supplies etc Cost $38000 will sell for $10 000 945-7476 04-84 Georgia DRY CLEANER-LAUNDRY PLANT ON PREMISES BEST HOLLYWOOD LOCATION EXCELLENT NCOME LOW CASH GOOD TERMS POSE AND ROSE INC Realtors 1981 163 St 949 2181 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH $28900 FHA TERMS Eat-in 1 kitchen 8524 Personal Loans Electronic Assembly MODERN Facility needs electronic printed circuit and mechanical assembly Latest equipment including Hollis and Artos Workmanship is excellent and priced right On-time delivery is assured Please let us quote your work large or small Call Mr Kemmerer at 822 4110 HUNTER ELECTRONICS large screened carpeted livin' corch garage Vacant and nice! I room vlng DLIICII 0106 Vooom WHY WAIT? CALL 1-391-3301 collect for appointment to see this cozv 3 bedroom 2 bath waterfront home Only $33500 including boat and motor at dock BR3974W Mary Workman Real-tor Pora Ratnn TOBACCO SHOP NORTHSIDE Shopping Center $15000 in cash 696-2320 MR DAVIS RENTS MONEY TO MEN OR MARRIED WOMEN CONFIDENTIAL SIGNATURES NO PERSONAL INVESTIGATION US 1456 MR DAVIS LAWN mower shoo for inventory olus equioment Good location Eves 643-0732 weekdays 445-3808 No good will 0526 Money Wanted Pet Grooming Parlor busy Plaza Owner ill 625-6622 or 624-7686 "RESTAURANT in Miami Bea'ch Completely equipped Information 531-5493 VENDING machines Confection Large type Sale-rent-lease 751-0849 FAMILY restaurant beer and wine Own machines Excellent Miami Bch location $10000 down Call 672-9558 888-2242 5 ACRES 04-5Q Pembroke WANTED to purchase from owner in Miami or Ft Lauderdale area 100 plus occupied Mobile Home Park Write Herald News Adv 1546 JANE HU SON realtor Easily worth mid $70's 4 Bedroom 2 bath poo! Family room 2 car qarage cantral air-heat Mint condition Carpets drapes 127'xl38' lot Extras MEDICAL BILLS FORCE OWNER TO SACRIFICE LOW BUYS IT' OB KENDALL REALTOR 664-5B4S POOL-ONE ACRE 3 bedroom 2 baths Mid S50s yTfKl SW 92 Ave 271-4634 PASADENA Lakes-Flondian 3 bedroom 2 bath Florida room air cond rugs dishwasher refrigerator etc Owner 9XA 945 Hvwd NORTH GEORGIA CATTLE FARM 1000 4- acres mostly open pasture land six different grasses several barns beautiful scenic building sites large lake site paved road frontage $500 per acre Owner financing W-negotiable terms GEORGIA MOUNTAINS 1000 acres beautiful scenic land with oanaramic views lake streams and other lake sites $450 per acre Owner financed with good terms ATLANTA 450 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL LONG river and railroad frontaae also proposed Industrial Boulevard through property Aoprox miles northeast of Atlanta Terms available Also other listings available CALL 404-993-9826 or Write John Hancock Realty Inc 1140 Alpharetta Street Roswell Georgia 30075 Mortgage investments Excellent veild Reply Herald News Adv 1589U PLENTY OF EQUITY" NEED $3500 2nd mortaaqe 10 Interest on lovely 3 bedroom 2 bath home in choice Sw residential area ALLSTATE MORTGAGE CO Seybold Bldg 3796629 PLUS 2 BEDROOM 1 BATH HOME NICE 5 acre parcel Home sits back from the hard surface road Room for expansion all directions Hiah pines and some fruit trees Close in cutler Ridge shopping center $44900 call Jack Lewis Assoc 235-3131 South Dade Realty Inc Open 7 days Realtors 24 Hrs 04-72 SALE Boca Raton Waterfront Estate SCREENED pool end loggia Well arranged for family fun and entertaining 5 bedrooms maid's room paneled library Stunmnq Florida room Modern and deluxe Sunset Island No 2 24 hour guard service Futch Realtor Bolter Claes Homes Since 1923 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd 538-1863 LARGE expanding security corporation wishes to acquire private investigation agency Inquire 371-2783 'FuSNITUREStorer Private 'party will buy Replies confidential Herald News Adv 1676E No agents RESTAURANT seats 200 tremen dous growth potential finest down-town location In Orlando Home of Disney World Have beer license-h quor available Sacrifice bv owner total price $22500 cash Cali 305 241-4524 or 644-6252 SE 6 blocks $10000 SECURED bv 2 houses' first mortgage 685 5094 6 ROOM hou St and corner fmm Rcval Palm Pla7a 1 y5 se zoned B-2 1 of Dixie Hwv-2 04-76 West Palm Bch BUSINESS man with cash seeks high profit marine related business PO Box 6773 Hvwd or 966 3483 RESTAURANT beer license avail able Must be seen Miramar 642-8446 ITALIAN Deli and Pizza for sale Located in Miramar 983-9750 LOW 05-Id Investment Opptys 04-39 Homes Key Btsc YOUNG HOMEMAKER BEDROOM 2 bath pool home walk to Whispering Pines Elem decorator interior lush plantings ssoc 235-8550 FUTRELL CO Realtor 233-8181 HOME AND INCOME BUILDER must sell new WPB soa cious 2 bedroom quality CBS duplex Central air carpet throughout No aqents By builder 848-4173 NORTH EAST AREA OWNER ILL HE IS WILLING TO TAKE BELOW MARKET VALUE IN ORDER TO SELL IMMEDIATELY OWNERS REPORTED GROSS INCOME IN EXCESS OF 84000 PER MONTH THIS 3 YEAR OLD BUSINESS IS LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL WITH AIR COND LOUNGE AND COIN DRY CLEANING LOW OOWN PAYMENT AND GOOD TERMS ON BALANCE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL JIM O'CONNOR MILLER DISTRIBUTING CORP 888-2371 BEAUTY SALON wants co-owner volume over $100000 865-4203 04-87 Out ot Country awuauMV GW WILL sell $21000 8 first mortgage on valuable duplex at 10 discount to private investor Herald- News Adv 1271E 19 UNITS excellent Hollywood location priced at less than 7 times qross Principals only Herald-News Adv 1424E ONE CALL 04-77 Florida Properties WATERFRONT lot Grand Baha mas no taxes cost $12000 sell or trade for Dade County property Her ald-News Adv 1318E CHARMING-owner sale 3 bedroom enclosed Florida room fireplace atr cond 2 patios exotic land-scape storage building 361-2578 3 Bedroom 2 bath with pool 4 Bedroom 2 bath on la acre Tillotson Realty Inc Bank Bldg 361-2054 FLORIDA PLANT FOR SALE 0490 Out ot State Prop INVEST on the ground floor In small Sea-food Restaurant chain Single operation ooen now 5 vears gross is $100000 minimum investment $25000 Call 751-9415 ask for Mr Curd DOES it all POOL 3 bedroom 3 bath 2 car ga rage central air-heat Completely refurbished bv builder New stove with self cleaning oven new' carpeting new paint inside and out Great teskskrM'900-cal1 Jack South Dade Realty Inc Open 7 Days Realtors 24 Hrs REALTORS R9 WEST MclNTlRE GROCERY store MB excellent opportunity good income owner must sacrifice for auick sale Call for ao-pointment 531 -5683 CENTRAL heat 4 bedrooms patio! Trees! CLEAN 233-5911 THELMA SMITH REALTOR 4 BEDR00MS-P00L CENTRAL air family room of hiohwav Much more $43900 KERR REAL ESTATE 14229 Dixie Realtors 235-2621 "MOST FOR LEAST IMMACULATE 4 bedroom 2 bath split huge fenced lot 526000 KERR REAL ESTATE 14229 Dixie Realtors 215-2621 I LOVELY 3 bedroom 2 bath large i livingroom paneled familvroom air cond heat fireplace patio acre 938-4249 4 bedroom 2 bath central air heat fence Dine studded acre 8350 SW 116 St 667-3822 $46900 CULPEPER Virginia 900 acres gentle rolling hills with Ideal stream 75 miles from Washington $350 ger 8Cr9 PEERLESS REALTY 1st Fed Bldg 250 Courtenay Pky Merritt Island Fla 452-3330 04-49 SALE Florida Keys 06-02 Schools WELL established national adult publication seeks expansion capital now Small Investment for inactive or active partners Phone 891-9990 Mr Bob anytjme INDEPENDENT service station volume 55 to 60000 qai per month with 100000 gal Potential location 12860 27 Ave Watts Oil Co will take about $4000 to handle contact Richard Watts 782-5524 Pompano Beach 0520 Investments NEW 3 bedroom 1 bath on IV acre high pine land North Okeechobee County on US 441 $14900 Cali Hvwd 989-4476 after 6 PM ON the Gulf-beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath home on targe 75x200' seawalled lot furn $85000 terms ALSO magnificent 4 bedroom 3 bath home on larae seawalled bavfront and canal lot Extra larae screened oatio and oool area Den and workshop Terms ATTRACTIVELY furn 2 bedroom 2 bath well kept home on the gulf large lot $53000 terms CASE BEACH PROPERTIES INC 1190 Estero Blvd Ft Mvers Bch Fla 463-9015 REALTORS 463-9434 NEAR Sebring large house with efficiency apt attached nice work shoo central air andbeat plenty of large oak trees on large lot Lake is-toooga privileges Mr Cotton Star Route 1 Lorida Fla 33857f Or call 813-385 5956 Mia mi phone 279-2705 NEW 3 bedroom iv bath homes Total money payments begin at $80 Down payment $200 Retirees veterans low income can qualify FHA 235 Near schools churches employment Free brochure Licht 0 Box 4173 Miami Bch Pnone 864-2693 IDEAL LOCATION TREASUReL see for yourself 3 bed-room 2 bath family room central air-heat Wall to wall carpeting all kitchen appliances Including ice 11-3 Lewis South Dade Realty Inc MERROW single needle specials currently in operation Excellent labor market 75 miles north of Miami 10000 sq ft Concrete building ample parking Shipping cuttinq non-union Room for expansion Management will remain if desired BOX 785 REALSERVICE 110 WEST 34th ST NYC 1000! cottingpcant FOR needle trade Completely equipped $5000 cash required Call MrjGarson 634-0651 FOOD AND DELI EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Can FJ Laud 772-0503 COMPLETE magnetic sign business Sealmaster machine large amount of letters etc Original Price $5500 will sell for $2500 759-1332 68 NE 54SL TEXAS RANCHES IN THE BIG BEND COUNTRY 3 500 ACRES Brewster County 585000 18000 acres Brewster County $22 50 per acre 46000 acres Brewster County $20 oer acre Many others all with good hunting price and terms to sell GRIDER HAYS Realtor Box 446 Ballinger Tex as768 21 (9151 365-2705 FOR Sale travelers Motel 6 miles south of Savannah Ga on heavily traveled US 17 direct route to Disneyland 24 units with telephones TVs air cond electric heat wall to wall carpeting office with efficiency swimming pool and 7 room house $85000 $20000 cash $50000 gross Call 1 912 33 9308 YOUNG retirees business and idea consultant seeking interesting Investment In any proposition business or Real Estate In South Fla bringing exceptional high return Information must be in detail Ideas Consultant Inc VP7 Taney Rd Balt Md 21215 MODERN barbershop Excellent opportunity Reasonable Miami Beach 531-3112 or 538-8643 ON THE OCEAN most beautiful view pollution free now and for all the vears to come with poured concrete seawall where needed utilities and paved streets Only 20 down 7 vears to pay mites from Dade County line 1st left turn after Jew-fish Creek Bridge 2 miles of US 1 on Old Card Sound Rd Oceanreef Shores 1-852-9997 WATERFRONT lot Big Pina Kev Edf nPi nPSj $2900 667-3092 ALL new 2 bedroom 1 bath only $18 500 Mobile home on extra larqe wooded lot $10000 US 1 Gift Shop $29900 4 bedroom 3 bath extra larae high ome lot $43500 BETTY BROTHERS Req Real Estate Broker Little Torch Key Fla 33043 Phone (305) 872318 OCEANFRONT homesite lust below Islamorada 100'x290' Lots of sand and sun $18900 with terms Edison Archer Realtor MQ 6-2541 REAL ESTATE COURSES PREPARATION for the Florida Real Estate License Law Exam for Salesman and Broker We offer continuing day evemnq and short courses Start anytime For complete information CALL 358 3103 BERT RODGERS SCHOOLS OF REAL ESTATE Dupont Plaza Cen-ter Office Suite 922 Miami REAL ESTATE SCHOOL REGULAR OR CRASH COURSES Loujjtoff RealtySchooJ 759-5262 EXTEND-A-CALL MANUFACTURER In electronic products needs workmo partner knowledaeable in electronics field with capital to help manufacture and market products Call 891-4190 Open 7 davs Realtors 24 Hrs 05-22 Money 1o Loan VA OR FHA 04-91 Residential Prop BANK Rate 1st and 2nd mortgages Frame or hour service United Mtg Co Est 22 vears CONGRESS BLDGJ79J676 cost bank rates for firsts i seconds of anv size made or bouoht on homes land commercial etc STATE FARM MTG DADE 666-7866 BROWARD 929-4848 HAVE $i0G00 cash tor Carol City 947-6753 Evesand weekendSe DRY cleaninq-laundry agency In busy location Doing $12 000 year olus $5000 alterations Priced for quick sale Only 52200 PAUL ROSEN Rltv Realtor 944-3481 04-50 Broward County 3 BEDROOM paneled Florida room conc unit awninqs WWTOO ren9erator' enc(j vard BEDROOM screened patio carport stove refrigerator air cond CLIFF MENDLES0N 235-9241 Realtor 24 Hours SW KENDALL DR AREA COIN LAUNDRY THIS 2 YEAR OLD FRIGIDAIRE COIN LAUNDRY IS BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED WITH CARPETS AND WALNUJ PANELING OWNER IS A SCHOOL TEACHER AND IS TRYING TO BUY A LARGE PRIVATE SCHOOL HE WANTS A QUICK SALE HE CLAIMS $3200 PER MONTH GROSS IN-COME WITH RECORDS TO BACK IT UP LOW DOWN PAYMENT AND EXCELLENT TERMS ON BALANCE FURTHER INFO CALL GENE JOHNSON MILLER DISTRIBUTING CORP 888-2371 AFTER 5 PM 235-5461 CENTRAL FLA KEYPUNCH trainee No aae limit No experience necessary Call ABA 373-5348 NEW food market oartner must have experience $10 000 Reply to Herald News Adv 1277E NEyy 4 unit apt 3 bedroom 2 bath each unit Beautifully situated in Cora! Springs $75000 price firm Call 972-4669 CORAL 3 bedroom 2 bath home Dining room Florida room refrtaerator ranae dishwasher carpeting 2 car garaae 5 Pine trees $31 506 972 1118 4 BEDROOM frame on 100x100' lot living room large family room dminq room combination kitchen IV2 baths utility room completely paneled throughout owner transferred must sell immediately $21000 unfurn $25000 furn 10 Leila St Frost-proof Fia (813) 635-2664 CASH INI HOUR WE BUY HOMES NOW 1 CBS FRAME 2 NORTHWEST NORTHEAST MIAMI BCH HIALEAH DADE OR BROWARD 3 ANY CONDITION ANY PRICE ALL CASH 4 RESIDENTIAL DUPLEXES APTS NO COSTS-NO FEES CALL NOW-24 HR SERVICE MR KAY 861 -4658 LOOKING FOR A UNIQUE 3 bedroom 2 bath bbol home on prime acre estate Entertainment room has its own kitchen ONE owner 3 bedroom 2 bath home with central air 2 car qarage big lot and carpet! Low $30's EAST of US 1 3 Bedroom 2 bath family room home with central air NEW 3 bedroom 2 bath family room home away from citv living central air 2 car garage 120'xl30' lot com-oletelv carpeted Ready in 2 weeks Mid $30's 4 BEDROOM 2 bath family room home with new carpets refrigerator self cleaning oven and more Mid S30'S CUTE Village Green 3 bedroom bath garage home wth carpet jrtm trees fenced yard and more $7-530 REAL ESTATE 14729 Dixie Realtors 235-2621 NO QUALIFYING -Take Over Mortgage 1 20300 103 AVENUE UKE new charming 3 bedroom 2 bath with oaraqe and fenced rear vard Deluxe like new carpet draoes Air-cond and heated A-1 location near Cutler Ridae Shoooing i Center $29000 $5650 down mavbe leSSJ-R COLLINS CO REALTORS 16915 Dixie 235 0391 235-9440 04-52 SALE Davie $23000 PER YEAR PROFIT 1st AND 2nd MORTGAGES PAY OFF ALL YOUR BILLS Low monthly payments $1000 TO $1 MILLION NO CREDIT CHECK NO DFLAYS Lowest costs anywhere Appraisal without obligation Robt Kurland Mtg Co 1631 SW 32 Ave 445-3763 LOANS FOR ANY PER50NAL NEED STRICTLY PRIVATE UP TO $600 CALL MR KING 358-9284 NEW 3 bedroom 2 bath house central air and heat Wall-wall carnet On acres improved pasture BARTENDERS MEN AND WOMEN EARN BIG MONEY After completion ot course day and mahf clasps PROFESSIONAL BARTENDING TRAINING CENTER MIAMI 757-5521 8000 Biscavne Blvd FT LAUD 763-8253 829 FEDERAL HWY SUNSHINE RANCHES Th acres 13751 Stirling Rd 631 7136 04-54 Ft Lauderdale vour own easy to learn business earn hiah proHs in roof cleaning and painting Free training Ask for Dick or Ralph Bond Chemical Mfg Co 118 NW 5 St Ft Lau- derdale 763 4231 Established school for-lease Frank Catania Broker 261-0343 50 OF well established electric Company IncCali 221-7779 BEAUTY SALON NMB area Excellent opportunity Write Herald-News Adv 1339E SELL NOW MOVE LATER WE BUY direct Cash for vour equity! Marx inc PHONE 661-1661 NOW! 2-3-4 BEDROOM BEAUTIES Ftofida with Indoor BBQ pit wall to wail carpeting air cond hurricane awnings 4 mango trees etc $18750 FHA-VA 2 bah' over entrance eat in kitchen wall paper and paneling throughout home Reverse cvcle enced vard- c- $30500 FHA-VA 4 BEDROOM large family room screened pool-patio air cond water softener fenced vard In beautiful Point Rovale $36 000 FHA-VA CLIFF MENDLESON 235-92X1 Realtor 26H5LUtS BLG FIVB special IP YOU have 5 in the tamilv and $500 down vnu mav qualify for 1 of these new 4 bedroom 2 full bath CBS homes Features wall to wall caroef built in ranoe and hood and shingle roofs large 75'xl38' lot fit 6Mr ASS0C- Marx Inc Realtor 233-2850 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGESD anv amount 24 hours service low cost CIDELL FRANK 865-2735 627-71 St EXECUTIVE WATERFRONT HOME PRESTIGE AREA IH EXECUTIVE relocation to Calif will sell or lease larqe 4 bedroom 3 bath family room game room deep carpet pool at a reasonable down payment offer Full price $97000 Call 942 9261 POTENTIAL SMALL MANUFACTURING PLANT OR WAREHOUSE 6000 SW FT CB pre-stressed concrete roof loading platforms for Semis 2 acres paved road accessible to mam state highways Now used for seed storaqe $60 000 Excellent terms Carlton Hughes Realtors 835 Silver Springs Blvd Ocala (904 679 0898 anytime BIG Lake Weir right on lake CBS home dock boathouse 6Vx250' lot oak trees block fence Free and clear cash sell S30JO0 or will take $10000 mortgage 696 3400 Miami IN MARION County-5 acres 8 year old citrus overlooks lake fine for homesite $10000 (4) 5 acre blocks Planted citrus $7500 each Buhl Box 252 Wptrsdaie Fla SPACIOUS 2 bedrooms 2 baths Florida room family room New condition Near shoppinq Low taxes $26500 LAKEFRONT We have two on spring fed lakes $18500 and one with 3 acres $30 000 Low taxes in Lake County Roush Realty 407 Eus-tis Plaza Eustis Fla Phono (904) 357-3388 or 357-3976 PRIVATE party wishes to buy or 3 bedroom home NW section up to $15000 cash Please call Mr Ross 759-3645 SEMI TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING FOR more Information call 813-621-1244 or write Tri-State Driver Training Inc 1367 78 St South Tampa Fla 33619 05-01 Gusiness Opportunities Hi Fashion Boutique IN PRIME location well established qood following excellent opportunity for the right party All Inauiries con-fidential Herald News Adv 1287 DRESS shoo and alterations Established business Verv reasonable Low rental 751-447i WANT someone to lease American Oil service station with approximate $5500 in stock and Inventory Must sacrifice for $3500 Approximately 45 ooo gals per month 624-0443 after 3 30 PM NO SELLING WORK 24 HOURS PER WEEK INITIAL INVESTMENT $7284 THIS mav be the best business opportunity you've ever had FOR an Initial cash Investment of $7284 one of the oldest largest Dubhclv held soft drink companies in the country will set vou un vour own modern vending business requiring 24 hours work per week with a realistic possible profit of $23460 per vear This is a solid opportunity YOU receive complete company support includmo locations and an opportunity to orow 95 financma to those qualified THIS Is not a franchise there are no rovaltv fees every dollar vou invest ooes into your own business FOR more Information write finciude phone number) visit or caii VALU-VEND INC FOUR AMBASSADORS Tawer 1 Office 1810 999 Bavshore Dr Miami Fla PHONE WILL buv or lend on 2nd or 3rd mortgages 034-2561 672-9047 PRIVATE party will make or buv 1st or 2nd mortqages $1000-53000 Berglund 377-0562 or651-4764 jitter 5 I NE6d $1000T000 in Second Mort-gaaes IMMEDIATELY! also purchase your mortgaqe Call Robinson Dir of Mtos Sa! Davide Assocs 234 i7Ave 6420 005 person al-c5nfidential 1st and 2nd mortqaoes SENTRY MORTGAGE CO 7400 WJXAve So Mia 665-3572 MORTGAGES bouqht or made Dri-vale money no fee Mr Day J38H818 PRIVATE party will buv mort-oapes puicK action Lee 944-0763 VETERANS "EXCLUSIVE CORAL RIDGE ISLE TRANSFERRED owner has left this beautiful 2 year old 4 bedroom 3 bath pool home on a wide wide waterway direct to intracoastal Luxury features Include AM-FM intercom throughout dishwasher disposal central vacuum system electric Bar-B-Q in screened patio-pool area 2 car qarage with electronic controls 2 level dock and much much more for only $62900 Call Herb Parker Assoc 583-5123 or Dade 945-6397 Eves 583-5848 KEYES C0-46th Year 307 State Rd 7 Realtors Ft LajJl REAL FAMILY HOME low taxes 4 bedroom 2 bath air-cond many extras $31500 231 Utah Ave Mel rose Pk or 583 581? FLA EAST COAST DRY CLEANING PLANT Fully Equipped 791h St Causeway Reasonable Terms 866-6279 TOP CASH Try OSlST Houses land anything 891-2900 YOU AND YOUR NEIGHBOR KNOW us We've been here a Iona time We need Carol City and Myrtle Grove homes now Will buy outnaht or sell for you at current high values Realtor BRIGHT REALTY INC 624 2607 4510 NW 183 St SELL TO US TODAY FOR CASH Move when ready No commissions Caribbean Real Estate Center 446J138 Realtor 444-7739 Eves IF YOU have a Southwest property with an equity of $10000 or more and your price is right call us The condition of the property makes no difference You'll have cash tomorrow Call BILL EI5NOR INC Realtors 661-3371 FASf "CASH -TOP DOLLAR MR MARVIN RES 235-2748 GREATER MIAMI REALTY INC REALTORS 446-8611 DO You hav $900? 3 bedrooms larae lot caroort will pamt-choose vour colors Only $21500 DO You have Immaculate 3 bedrooms eat-in kitchen qaraae larae pine-studded lot ranae and re-friaerator only $26000 Call 232-2000 Realtor TARNOW REALTY CORP 0501 Business Opportunities TN KEY WEST Associate Wanted I OWN brick buildtna (22)-4 room apts all completely furn-50'xl50' ground floor suitable for dining and lounge Liquor license auarantee Will qive 50 ownership and conv plete management control Small investment required Must have business inclination or willing to learn the business Act at once 312 Simon-ton St Key West Fla 296-6696 10 A to 1 Or will sell PORT St Lucie 4 adioining tots 80x125 near marina 226-8795 BEAUTY Parior-a real successful ooing business with even higher potential on busy 5th Avenue Indialan tic Owner's husband transferred fully equipped 8 operator facilities fixtures and inventory Can pav for itself in a year See anytime and discuss financma with us Cannon Real-tv 300-5th Ave Indiaiantic Phone 723-1 774 STUART HOMESITES 6 RESIDENTIAL lots 60 125 on graded road 2 blocks from US1 $1200 each 758-9225 fi OPEN 1-6 PM 18701 SW 87 AVE i (Phone For Directions) BRAND NEW MONTE CARLO HOMES I 4 BEDROOM 2 bath home with faml Iv room and senarate dining room ELECTRIC kitchen with range dish-t washer disposal 5 CENTRAL air and heat 8 HIGH PINE corner lot Sprinkler svs-I tern 2 car parage WALK to Whispering Pines Elem FHA-VA OR CONVENTIONAL FOR AS LITTLE AS 10 DOWN I $42300 New Model Plans Ready 1 3 Bedroom Homes Priced from $37100 WITH OR WITHOUT POOL AND PATIO i BRENNAN REALTY 25 7740 Realtor 24 Hours I OPEN FROM 2 TO 4 OWNER WANTS OFFERS BEDROOMS 2 vanity baths pan-4ed family room eat-in kitchen carets and draoes Lovely landscaping i'alk to schools and shopping Drive tv 10197 SW 199 St Call 238-5803 Kay-Lowy Inc Realtors 358-6930 We have buyers for your property Bert Best Realtor 445-5366 WE HAVE CASH TO BUY houses We will buv vour-home today and you can move when ready Give us a call now MA INC ealtor 274-0331 ONE ONLY VA TERMS 3 BEDROOM 2 baths with screened porch Large lot $23000 BRENNAN REALTY OWNER ANXIOUS ALMOST new 2 bedroom 2 bath eat-in kitchen dminq room wall to wall carpeting custom made drapes central air and heat Florida room many extras 565-0369 Days 5654137 Eves a weekends CHARMING 3 bedroom 2 bath Fine neighborhood Coral Ridge Isles S35 000933-4225 'HARBOR beach Waterfront Pool Home ocean view most prestloeous area Ft Laud private beach and dock $85l000 Owner565-8398 CANAL front 4 bedroom tri-level $9500 down 5'4 interest principals Herald News Adv 141 5j MAIL ORDER EXCLUSIVE products Hiqb orbfit Easy operation Priced under Inventory Sell all-part interest Season near Hurry Call now Ft Laud 772-0803 REALTOR (24 Hrs) 235 7740 RESTAURANT and or beer bar Prime location in operation Good gross 6255231 between 2 and 5 Modern barbeFTshop WITH 4 chairs In high traffic area near calder Race Course Completely furn MIRAMAR REALTY 989-4545 7979 Miramar pkwv (H'ndle Blvd) Eves and Sun 989-8P48 or 983-8505 Products DISTRIBUTORS wanted in the United States to represent the Extend-A-Call line For further information call Shaw Laboratories Inc 891-4190 wfSH to sell ladies and Girts' apparel store Owner cannot handle business Located In center of down-town Call 8647307 after 6 PM IMMACULATE OWNER WANTS OFFERS SELL DIRECT we WILL pay "ALL CASH" for vour home No closing costs Move when ready Free inspection 688-6671 ANCHELLREALTY INC Realtors QUICK CASH-CALL Uj-WE PAY ALL COSTS ANY AREA MOVE WHEN READY OR WILL TRADE OOLITE REALTY Realtor 625-0457 £ALUJS FIRST! NEED trame-CBS home under 520000 anv area no agents 643-2914 ATTENTION RETIREES COMPLETELY Furn 2 bedroom home overlooking the beautiful Indian River along with fishing pier and fruit trees Priced for a quick sale James Pruitt Real Fstate Inc 33 Babcock St Melbourne Fia 254 5278 2 LOTS Port St Lucie area terms sacrifice 665-5137 STUART AREA- LAUDERDALE ISLES DEEP WATER TO OCEAN EXTRA large lot with 95' precast seawall 3 bedroom 2 bath reverse cycle air-conditioner well pump and sprinklers Only $33500 ExcellenMo-cation off New River near 1-95 For appointment call Compass Realty Inc Realtors 581-4148 BY OWNER duplex in Ft Lauderdale 4 bedroom 2 bath 8 room build-inq $23500 CallJn Miami 621-9600 YOOR YACHT IN YOUR own backyard direct oc cess to ocean Tropical landscape GOOD neighborhood 2 bedroom 1 bath home $35 003 List 402 Pat North Assoc eves 583-1724 Gill Realty Realtors 4900 So Davie Rd Davie Fla Sin 0831 (Ft Laud 1 9031 To the man who knows worth more than he is earning The sole purpose of this act is to make contact with business men or sales minded individuals who are not satisfied with their present business or job and have a desire for a higher income We are looking for a per son who has the rare ability to hire train and motivate sales people LUCRATIVE DISTRIBUTORSHIP NOW AVAILABLE with one ot the fastest growing industries in the US A and Canada This long established company and its products lead a billion dollar non-competitive field Nationally advertised in leading magazines and daily exposure on TV networks Our top distributors are producing gross sales in excess of one million dollars yearly VERY MODEST INVESTMENT FULLY SECURED WITH INVENTORY FINANCING PROGRAMS AVAIL ABLE Wire collect or write include you! name address and telephone number to: NTM CORP: Adamsville Pa 16110 You will he contacted by telephone to arrange appointment for personal interview only COFFEE SHOP EXCELLENT opportunity for experienced operator Apoly In person Moulin Rouge Motel 280-41 St Miami Beach OWNER transferred Open 1-6 Must self loveiv 7 MONTHS NEW home on acre 3 large bedrooms 2 pretty tile ba'hs foyer entry sunken living room eat-in kitchen SPACOUS paneled den beautiful shag carpeting Screened patio 2 car garage central air-heat ideal traffic-free location Mid $40's 10023 SW 140 St 233-603 ESTABLISHED DIPPER DAN ICE CREAM SHOPPE PALM SPRINGS MILE mjN ASTHI ALEAH GOING BUSINESS NEWLY decorated dress and boutique sales in choice South Miami location New and resale garments in great demand please call FRANK FREEMAN INC INDUSTRIAL REALTOR 1385 EJ0 Ave Hialeah 885208 ACCOUNTINGS and tax practice-complete office Total price $25-000 with usual guarantees Please reolv to Herald News Adv 1349E RECORD tape book distributorship! Wish honest knowledgeable person to Va interest in starting dis- tributorship 2954 NW 90 St Mia ACCOUNTING and tax practice together with building and land offs-treet parking luxury type apt now rented could be used for buyer's residence Has separate offices $85000 with $35000 cash and seller will carry mortqaae Please reply to Herald News Advl355E BEER and wine restaurant Owner must IL Coma nd7mav8or: CHEF'S Table-Gourmet seafood restaurant Sacrifice Owner sick Call 945-7525 Mr Bernard NG your Investment New and used merchandise store Includes larae 2 story building Down town Homestead Total price $34000 Call 248-2131 or 248-4535 3 BEDROOMS 2 vanity baths paneled family room eat-in kitchen carpets and draoes Loveiv landscaoinq Walk to schools and shopping Drive bv 10197 SW 119 St Call 238-5803 Kaylowylnc Realtors VA CUTLER RIDGE VA Vets no monev down FHA $1650 down 3 bedroom 2 bath fenced vard Country kitchen shaa carpet Owner desperate leaving Miami VA-FHA TERMS 3 Bedroom 2 bath family room Fireplace air cond units Sprinkler svstem ST EVSH ESS NRea I tor 233-7640 South Miami Heights ATTRACTIVE 4 bedroom 2 bath house corner landscaoed lot citrus trees portable oool wail to'wall car-oetmq Electric stove draperies ir family room Existing VA mortgage of $26200 Purchase price $31 900 Call Kilby Tavlor Assoc 235-3131 South Dade Realty Inc Qoen7 davs Realtor! 24Hrs TRICED TO SELL! BEAUTIFUL 3 bedrooms 2 bath home large screened oatio 2 car pa-raae on acre Estate For appointment call Ruth Epstem Assoc MAPX INC Rpgltor 8 0044 OCEAN AND RIVERFRONT 100' on Indian River 785' deep High land with a view $12990 with terms 30 acres on St Lucie River Terms 110' on ocean to river $450 per front ft Terms 120' on ocean to river $450 per front ft Terms Other oceanfrontage available Ranging in size to over 1 mile ACREAGE 5-10 AC parcels $1495 oer ac Terms Onlv few remaining 80 ACRE $395 per acre Terms 170 ACRE $395 per acre Terms 370 ACRE $345 per acre Terms 700 ACRE $2000 oer acre Terms Other acreage available ranging In size to 26 000 acres NEEDED LISTINGS WE have the buyers We are in need of additional properties For action on vour property please list with us INVESTORS DEVELOPERS IF Interested In real estate Investments and properties readv now for development in a high orowth area call for details of syndicate now forming 04-55 Hallandale I PALMETTO ACRE i-XECUTIVE home for large family Bedrooms 3 baths pool patio Co onial columns and lovely fencing I KERR REAL ESTATE PET SHOP Realtors 235-2621 4229 Dixie WATERFRONT HOME ON Intracoastal waterway in prestl geous Golden Isles 3 bedrooms 2 baths huae living room opens into spacious Florida room full sue dining room central air and heat 2 car qaraae lot size 100x150' offered by ownr 997-1877 LUCRATIVE business good location Under $10000 initial capital required Financing can be arranaed for bal ance for qualified purchaser We wil tram figures available to establish approximately $3500 net monthly Herald News Adv 1396E PAINTER retiring Fine truck and equipment $1200 758-6778 FOR YOUR HOME ABSOLUTELY-NO FEES NO COMMISSIONS NO CLOSING COSTS NO SIGNS CLOSE now MOVE when readv CALL MR ARNOLD 865-8500 24 hour service ALL CASH CBS frame any condition All areas Close fast-move when ready No closing oosts-net deal 24 HR COURTEOUS SERVICE 633-5223 947-6763 Spanish Clientele for Homes A A HERNANDEZ Realtor 373-1533 QUICK Cash Sale 1 call does It all Move when ready Call now AL TIRELLA REALTV 12301 NF 6 Ave Rector 54 5426 SELL for profit! All cash Free inspection and Valuation Call 445-8671 Edwin Baqby Realtor SELL DIRECT T6 NO COMMISSIONS no fees! Will buy on first call Days 666-6121 Eves 85488 2 BEDROOMS Air-cond Modern house some extra land Accessible beaches and airport Vicinity No Palm Bpach to Homestead Reply HeraldNews Advi1539 "1 H-A-V-E $8000 to Buy JunkerlTor ihep or Bad Frame1 379-7002 04-58 Hollywood SERVICE station for leaf located at 2692? Federal Hiofiwav Narama Florida Good volume and profit oo-tential Investment required Paid training available CAII Shaw 248-0133 04-33 Homes South Miami Suburban Specializing In Stuart Ft Pierce Properties STAN EVANS Associate Pictorial properties Inc Realtors 1038 Las Oias Blvd Ft lauder dale Fla 33301 Tei 522-2826 anytime 523-6639 (Res COCOA Bch 350' waterfront coif ocean 3 bedroom den 2 car garage extrasS35 000 784-J163 TITJSVILLE 3 large bedroom trilevel home Choice location-schools shopping centers Ovner will sacrifice for quick sale Further details call or write Harris Realty PO Box Titusville 267-0413 HYWD HILLS 3 bedroom 2 bath larqe oatio central heat exras OWNER East of US 1 2 years old 3 bedroom bath central air-heat garaae with bath and air-cond screened patio off family room carpet throughout dishwasher refrioer-ator custom drapes shades tras $42500 Cali 927-0624 "TTSEDROOM 2 bathT" kitchen-larqe living-dimng area Larqe Florida room wall-wall carpetina garage air cond-heat sprinklers high grounds plus more reasonable 927-0473 REDUCED for immediate sale and occupancy East of US 1 3 bedroom 2 bath 1 acre screened pool 233-2855 FOR sale Broward County 4COP liquor license moveable Call after 7 Miami 865-4547 LADIES apparel and boutiaue store prime location Collins Ave Must sell owner ill Bargain! Reply Herald-News Adv 1247E BEAUTY salon Prime location Miami Beach area Inquiries confi dential Herald News Adv 1266E LIQUOR LOUNGE-MARINA ON OCEAN KEY LARGO FOOD-MOTEL UNITS Sale or partnership 247-8175 BARBER Shop 3 chairs 195 Si Shoooing Plaza 19559 NW 2 Ave BOOK bindery for sale completely automated and air cond Rapid Bindery of Fla Inc 3660 NW 48 Ter Miami Fla 633-9779 COSMETIC STUDIO MERLE NORMAN Busiest MB location Established steady clientele lavishly decorated Will tram Lono lease excellent terms financing available Owner anxious 10-5 866 6786 pm 621 7092 GULF Service Station Excelled for partners Heavy on mechanics work Must sacrifice due to other interests Small eouitv plus inventory 8J2J -8470 FOR IMMEDIATE LEASE gallons volume $5000 Investment required with paid training available Cali Stephenson at 649-7600 DOWN $28900 $EST buv In town this perfect burner home for vouno couple or retired 2 bedroom (possible 3) 2 bath 'xtras Jones Eves 235-7317 or DOUG STE WA Realtor 233-7171 SCAR GARAGE EG DEN I Village of Kendale nPEN 3-30-5-10 10530 SW 98 ST -OYER dining room huge kitchen kunken living room 3 larae bed- L-ooms 2 Ipvelv baths Low S0's LESTER McTAGUE REALTOR 118 Ponce Coral Gables 438-8M? TO 5 7925SW108ST 'I ACRE on canal 15x30 screened sool and patio 3 bedrooms 2 baths sll amenities Excellent terms As-Aume mortqaae or can be refinanced oriced in the $40's 5 Minutes to Dadeland Broker 444-6516 THE ROYCECO TSTORYWrTH POOL i 4 BEDROOM-2 BATH 17021 SW 119 Ave MASTER bedroom and bath plus guest bedroom on unoer level with i oak wood floors 2 bedrooms down-stairs blus bath exiting to oool Also 1 living dining kitchen garage and screened patio Privacy fenced Nicely landscaped variety of fruit trees WOODED ESTATE SPACIOUS fenced around with njee lenoscaoinq 3 bedrooms 2 batns pool centra! air-heat kitchen A includes rangp and oven re'ngera-tor dishwasher loads of cabinets 7 $39 900 Call Jack Lewis Assoc 275-3U1 South Dade Realty Inc Qp-n 7 Devs Realtors 2 tfrs I SHOP SHAPE CHOICE WHISPERING PINES 401 SW 152 DR ASKING $31500 OWNER wants offers row! Act nu'cklv on this neat-as-a-om sofit-D'sn 3 bedroom 2 bath with carage Extra large eit-m kitchen Lots of room for future pool school area JESSE WEST ASSOC COLLINS CO REALTORS Dixie 031 25-9440 ltM OI5 Verv choice VB CASH F0RY0URH0ME Dade-Broward No closing costs SeawaneJEnL lntHvwd 1-966-5297 QUICK ACTION PRIVATE party will pay all cash for your property frame or CBS ANYPLACE ANYWHFRE NO COST OR OBLIGATION PleaseCallSteyen WE HAVE cash ready to buv or we buy directly CENTRAL DADE Realtors 643-3414 Pinewood Estates "ELEGANCE IN THE PINES" Va ACRE DENSITY DADE'S finest custom built homes All homes located in oark-like set-tmo "no homes back to Full landscaping and soddmq HOMES have evervthino buoe aaraoes carpetina self-cleaning ranoes central air cond tamilv room patio oool (vanes with model) Beautiful classic roofs wall-paoer loveiv liohting fixtures etc COMPETITION selling like homes In the $50's OUr price is 41000 to $48900 Brochures on request See today so easy to find 17255 SW 90 AVE "TAKE 168 St East off 1 or West off Old Cutler Rd to 90 Ave South 4 blocks PINEWOOD ESTATES NEWPORT BLDG CORP 235 1551 235 202? IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY IMMACULATE! HILLS 3 bedroom 2 bath central heat- air Walk to Hollywood Hills elementary Call Kirk Williams Eves 963-0547 PRESTIGE REALTY 987-4663 (HvwdJ 624-0111 (Miami) "SUNSWEPT SUNBURST 2 bedroom 2 bath garage oatio eat-in kitchen carpeting draoes Must see to bel'eve Owner 966 8288 COMPLETELY FURN'SHED CO-OP APT VALUE LOVELY 2 bedroom garden type buildma Excellent location Convenient to everything Price $16 000 927-UA7 or 685-3566 William Brest-Realtor WATERFRONT property-probablv the finest in Brevard County Over 180 ft on Banana River Executive deluxe home-5 bedroom 2 bath boat dock must be seen to appreciate $51000 170 Larchmount CL Merritt island 452-3490 WANTED 3-bedroom home near Cocoa East Coast area or income property Georqe Skirdlant 21 SW 55 Av lami Fla 444-9029 flTUSVILuE 58 acre with utilities surrounds subdivision abuts oardn apt complex Must sell $2800 per cre Ca II Mr Allen (25) 632 8645 FT PIERCE EXCITING home 3 bedroom 3 hath guest apt pool waterfront $89900 Vann Realty corp 567-5183 2 ids Rovce Ave Port Sf Lucie Sacrific mq £5500 j5chHerald Adv 1526 MANV fine homes from 000 to $75000 located Indiaiantic Melbourne Satellite and Indian Harbour Bhs 2 on ocean 1 on Ind'an River AC Hoover Assoc Mcl ean Realty Inc Inti aiantic Phone 723-0525 after 5 PM 723-8217 BUY SHIPYARD FOR LEASE TAX-FREE Incnme blq volume Qualified manaqement onlv Cell Mr Ware Nassau 31848 or write: Air Mail Box N4500 Pl Nassau Bah mas FULLY equipped Bakerv for sale Reply Herald- News Adv 1743U 'BARBER shoo owner retired 448-2377 U25 Ponce Coral Gables FABULOUS HEW MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY Men or Women Full or Part Time THE HOME SEWING INDUSTRY is one of the fastest growing businesses in America The new REVOLUTIONARY PRE-CUT method of making clothes has received overwhelming response This NATIONALLY ADVERTISED product that is affiliated with a 75 YEAR OLD COMPANY is now offering GUARANTEED EXCLUSIVE AREA DISTRIBUTORSHIPS to bring this Ready-To-Sew product which consists of everything from Bikinis to Bridals direct to the consumer A complete merchandising program for as little as $197500 is secured by merchandise and guarantees leads through computer mailing plus Free Samples sales catalogs displays and ad mats are all included We will PUT YOU IN YOUR OVN BUSINESS OVERNITE AND SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN START EARNING MONEY IMMEDIATELY There are no other fees or hidden costs in this first time ever to be offered plan For further information write: MICHAEL PRESCOTT IfiG HERALD NEWS ADV 1979 1 SMALL 2-3 bedroom anywhere Dade or Broward Counties Direct 443-4267 or 84 osri 0435 Homes South Dade bam Pine BY Bunder 2 bedroom 1 cedar Swiss Chalet on large lot 900 740 3410 274 66)1 AlECOND INCOME For vou who Think Big who WANT things Parttime-at-homg-Family Participation great! You can double vour Income in one vear-Rpfire in 5 vears- LAUGH a Can vou afford i NOT to Call 531-2924 before 10 00 a Lets have i coffee and talk APT HOTEL FOR LEASE HOLLYWOOD Bch excellent terms for honest lessee You can catch the season if vou act fast Call Mr i Franz for appointment 358-1760 I 'BEER Bar-Net $20000 year Very fine area Only $12000 down Many others Reliance Ity 443-7452 Beer Bar 10477 '27 Ave I 685-2i71yoe Hurtack Realtor COFFEE Shoo nets semi-activei owner $75000 year! Price 550000 i Many others Reliance Rtty 443-7452 andToWge BEST Biscavne Boulevard location Gross over $200000 year FRANK A MARTIN REALTOR 866-1495 410-71 SUM 'PIZZA Action Open 4-11 Moneymaker! $3500 down Many others REliance Rlty 443-7452 BEER Bar Rent onlv month! 4 barrens 40 cas sold week Nets $700 month $3500 down Manv others Reliance Rltv 441-7452 25 WASHERS- GOODTFASE COIN LAUNDRY $5500 Cu Cl QR A 51 A 7570153 DRY CLEANING PLANT SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE RONEY PLAZA AREA S34-4389 EVES 861-0)56 RETAIL well established owner Is retiring Evenings 667-1448 WET COAST EMERLALD HILLS SPECIALIST! LOOKING for a Prestige home In THIS Prestige area? Call Jean Powell eves 961-0772 PRESTIGE REALTY 4514 Hollywood Blvd 987-4663 (Hvwd) 624-0111 (Miami) Out Of CALL COLLECT! put of town-? CALL COLLECT 0436 Hollies Homestead NcW duplex 2 bearoom 1 bath 1321 NW 13 St 28 04-37 SALE Homes Miami Bch FLORIST FTD sell or take partner Long established Write News Adv NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY and Meat Market for sate Lil new equipment Low rent long lease 50 Latin and 50 American clientele 525 NW Lejeune Rd (47 Ave BY OWNER 2 deuxe duplexes on large fenced lots Naples on Gulf Excellent Income and place to live 813 774 1646 Va ACRE Corner Ff Charlotte fully imp-oved-S6G00 value $2200 down $40 month 685 3816 INDIAN RIVER FROFJT LOTS SOUTH ME PITT ISLAND-lOOxlOO Bulk-headnd SB (XX) terms PEERLESS REALTY 1st Fd 250 Courtenev Pkv Merritt island Fla 452 3330 04-57 SALE West Hollywood DILIDO ISLAND OPEN 2-5 om Sat and Sun Lovely 3 bedroom 21 a bath Florida room ga rage Priced to sell 114-3ro Ter Montero Realty 8319 PINE TrPel 63 St 4 bed room 4 bath pool $70000 cash $10 0O0 Owner 864 3645 BAYFRONfTbool dock b'eautduUv Turn or unfurn executive having Fjontfa Priced S60s 531 003 LARGE "waterfront houses with non! on senarat lots For sal or rent owner 8M-2166 LEAVE HIGH TAXES BRAND new 3 and 4 bedroom 2 baths central air and heat low monthly oavments Call Builder 966 5711 Miami 625-8096 eves Mur tnut CLASSIFIED FOR CONVENIENCE 2222 DAOB COUNTY TOLL-FREE 1 432-4581 CLASSIFIED SATISFIES YOUR BUYINO AND SELLINQ NEEDS CALL TODAY J5A122J OR TOLL FREE l-6M325lt ALL OTHER AREAS OF FLA 0459 Miramar 05-01 Business Opportunities BE YOUR OWN BOiS 5MAIL investment operate vour own Taxi Excellent Inrom for rlatiilt call 673-2038 Btwen 4-8 30 PM IN FLORIDA ALL OTHER ARFAS OUPLFX LOT NAPt F5 Fully dsvioned with city water 4 non EACH NCiPPIS REALTY 461-1529 Realtor Evl 23-2310 3 EAR old 2 be room 2 bain pool sprlnkieis extras 989-2228 Herald and News Classified Information Phone 350-2222 i.
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