The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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pwcrv 477 Florid properties 0477 Florida properties MIAMI HERALD 0501 Business Opportunities 05-01 Business Opportunities 0501 Business Opportunities 05-01 Business Opportunist 0484 Georgia 1S-D 05 0f Business Opportunities KEY West Liquor her end Peck-age 4 AM License Long lease Includes lovely large 2 hedroom apt air cond Gross $2 too week In 6 days Owner has other Interest and must sell 18000 Down best offer JOMVALENTINE Realtor IyobIlFhome park LARGE modern beautv Big incoma room to axpand About $192000 cash down RaJYNICHOLS Realtor 7JL798? ASSOCIATES WANTED SALES oriented $20000 plus importunity Hialeah-Dadeland-Ga-bles 50 partnership Call Mr Levy for appointment 624-6501 IN-AND-OUT marine with a capacity ot 129 boats and operating at capacity Good franchises Ex cellent location in large apt area For information write or call C-B Arbogast Real Estate Inc 252 Oceola Stuart Fla 33494 Ft Laud-Miami area 390-270 Stuart area 287-0440 Great Bear Tire Co FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY FIRST time offered Great Bear Tire Co now accoetino applications from the state of Florida One of the nation's most dynamic success stories 40 successful outlets now in operation Volume In excess of 10 million dollars This Is a ground floor opportunity to enter into a booming automotive market In the state of Florida Join a winning team Writa Her ald-News Adv 1104L HARDWARE Store Property for sale Sporting Gooc' Fishing Tackle General merchandise Nice Stock doing good business Best Location 2 busv highways 1 square from large lake town Growing fast 5 room Apt joins store Large garage carport Lot 180x95 at give away price for $29750 for all Cen- tralFle HoraldAdv 1959L SUCCESSFUL Miami commerc'al ianitorial service looking to merge with national company We can deliver excellent management as well as prestigious accounts Herald News Adv729L GREETING Cards Gifts nice business short hours good income Benson 758-8749 Weingarten Rltr CHANCE of a lifetime Private o'as station Widow must sacrifice $6500 Benson 758-8749 Weingarteji Rltr ROOF CLEANING AND PAINTING EQUIPMENT Ford Eeonoline Van Wisconsin enqine driving Mvers 20 GPM pump complete spray equipment $3995 or make offer call 5848932 or 581-4642 Fort Laud PRISONER? Are you in a rut The only difference between a grave and a rut is it's length Get out of vour rut today and be your own boss Calf 823-5209 TROPICAL Fish Farm for rent-fully equipped 583-3632 ft laud Beer and wine bar real buvl 757-6323 after 7 PM JPPfcfLE YOUR INCOME" PLEASANT spare time business In vour home Perfect for husband and wife team No soliciting No Invento ry No experience Call now 235-9119 GOOD INCOME CAFETERIA with beveraqe II- cense 5705 SW 8 St Total price $17000 Terms negotiable FUTURA REALTY INC Ennaue Aguilar Realtor 446-5777 (24 Hours) The Best Investment IN WESTCHESTER LATIN Super market Low production cost Attractive sales and arowing Good return Don't wait a FUTURA REALTY INC Enriaue Aguilar Realtor 446-5777 (24 Hours) HOTEL PLUS BAR 20 YEAR net lease $25000 cash Roney Plaza Hotel plus SIoddv Joes Bar 719 1 Ave Cell owner 864-9589 E-Z Coin Laundry $15000 handles 667-5545 World us Broker 100 COIN LAUNDRY fNCOME $2200 month and Increasing steadily Best Beach location near new eauipment $11000 handles RUSSELL ASSOCIATES 6660 Biscavne Blvd 758-1 70T FINEST One Man Business in Area $4500 Call Collect Mr Norris 904-396-1707 HAVE a brand new business onlv 35 davs old that has arossed $1524126 I am operating on 72 net profit of gross Need business oart- ner with additional $12500 cash to Invest immediately which will enable the company to Increase the gross bv $1524126 each month for the next ten (10) months and still retain 72 net profit of the additional accumulated gross each month Books records checks contracts end invoices ail available Business can withstand the most rigid investigation and not complicated If interested call collect Pomoano Beach 782-5211 or 941-0150 "FURNITURE store Gross $500000 Nets $81000 $75000 down Agent 754-4565 CLASSIFIED SATISFIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS AUTO STORE DEALERS lor progressive towns in Florida Georgia Tennessee Virginia North Carolina and South Carolina Over 500 stores are now operating sue cessfulty We have live full Gne distribution centers at the present time and one of these is located at 6600 Hawkinsvilla Sd Macon Georgia WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET TODAY If you are an energetic man a moderate investment will start you on the road to success with a WHITE'S AUTO STORE ACT David Diaz WHITE'S AUTO STORES PO Box 3046 Macon Georgia 31203 Telephone: 7811810 NOW! ACT NOW LIMITED NO OF AREAS OPEN- NEW CONCEPT IN MERCHANDISING PART TIME -FULL TIME EASY I PLEASANT SERVICE ART DISPLAYS AT TRAFFIC SURVEYED LOCATION HOTELS RESTAURANTS GIFT SHOPS ETC $15000-525000 ANNUAL EARNINGS -LESS THAN S3 000 SECURED INVESTMENT CALL MR GILLILAND (305)772-2248 AN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY THE 05-01 Business 0pportunites PARTNER female wholesale relatl sportswear Call 866-0045 BEST RESTAURANT DEAL DINNER Seats over 100 grosses over $300000 Good oarlner or family operation nets ever $60000 Call Mr Grostave for particulars Now SECUR ITY Real Estate 643-4600 OPPORTUNITY! COULD use a couole who would like to have fun work together and enloy a substancial second income No investment but must be honest 23im GIFT SHOP FOR SALE BEACH hotel Terms Call Klttv 920-6666 or 920-8448 NEW Hl-Proflf Business Very successful company neebs responsible person to manage a solid-non competitive business Investment 1000 Serious persons onlv Call 566-0336 SOUTHCO CO 2727 Oakland Park' Blvd Ft Laud SEAFOOD RESTAURANT seats over 100 Top location plenty of parkin? Owner leaving for Europe and will make EZ terms Call David SECURITY Real Estate 643-4600 550 UNITS TRAILER PARK Site Aooroved and readv to build Hot location Call Re altor now for Brochure SECURITY Real Estate 643-4400 FAMILY business established 1924 knowledge of plumbing helpful Grosses $175008 Price $79500 including real estate Vfe cash Call Mr Wersen 377-8761 OSCAR DOOLY ASSOCIATES INC Realtors BEAUTY EXCHANGE BEST shops listed In ell areas Buying or sellinq call anytime JAN BECKMAN Abent 235-4912 pressurITclEanTr ALSO roof painting rig both readv to go Complete with truck Also in good condition Toial $1500 Will deal vour way on env part or all Call 624-3634 PARTNERS SPLIT Priced For Quick Salt Money Makinq Amusem*nt BUMPEROO FUN CENTER 3625 So State Rd 7 (U 441) Hollywood Ask for Bruce Or Call Don 261-4660 MIAMI NIGHT CLUB-LOUNGf GROSSING $13 000 per month and arowing despite absentee owner PQ Box 1592 Miami Fla 33143 BEAUTY SALON IN BEAUTIFUL hi-rise residential buildinq Downtown Miami area Six stations Owner leaving country priced low for quick sale ABCO REALTY REALTORS 589 NE 125 St 758-2541 DRY CLEANING AND laundry plant Wholesale and retail Modern equipment Long established Open to 5 PM Income 160000 ABCO REALTY REALTORS 589 NE 125 St 758-2541 'NOTIONS GALORE' ONE of the largest end oldest In Miami Wholesale retail and mail order business Owner cannot cope with constant expansion Income $500000 selling price $200000 net profit $50000 ABCO REALTY REALTORS 589 NE 125 St 758-2541 COIN LAUNDRY FLORIDA KEYS WELL established coin laundry end dry cleaning including new 2-story building with three 1 bedroom apts furn Plantation Kev good terms CORAL SHORES REALTY REALTORS Keys 85M521 Miami 247-4043 BEER Bar Good for couple 2995 Down Many others Also Liquor bar and package $9995 Down TOMV ALE NTIN Realtor 221-7373 BEER Bar SW Latin area Very lovely bar $4500 Down Many others Reliance Rltv 445-7452 QUICK QUICK SALE DRY cleaning plant laundry Reasonable 15 years good business Robinson 865-6580 Broker SHEET METAL WORKS COMPLETE workshop Established many years Good income Owner retirinq $7500 buvs lock stock end barrABCO REALTY REALTORS 589 NE 125 St 758-2541 LIQUOR LOUNGE GROSSING over $80000 yearly Available with property or lease Good corner location-lets talk terms GREATER FLA Bus Brkrs 751-1611 LIQUOR Bar and Package doinq a good gross business Total price $15000 Walsh roker 891-5656 FOOD MARKET-DRY GOODS GROSS $450000 PLUS FINE 20 year reputation at same location Mixed clientele Building and property available $50000 down-financing available GR ATE FLA Bus rkrs 751-1 611 NEWSSTAND In Lobby of 400 room hotel Last vear gross $47000 $10000 handles Walsh Broker 891-5656 BEER AND WINE BAR EXCELLENT Hialeah Race track area averaging $3000 monthly GREATER FLA Bus Brkrs 751-1611 ONE of the Better Tvoe Beer Bars Grossing $1200 to $1300 weekly $15000 Handles Walsh Broker 891-5656 NIGHT CLUB LOUNGE GROSS $225000 WELL-known popular soot Good volume Building and property available $60000 down GREATER FLA Bus Brkrs 751-1611 HEALTH Foods Good area Excellent living for couple- or partners SI 8000 Down TOM VALENTINE Realtor 221-7373 LUNCHEONETTE IN MOST active downtown Hywd business district Corner location excellent growth botential Price $10000 GREATER FLA Bus Brkrs 751-1611 ICE Cream all takeout Established 21 years Nets $12000 vear plus free rent utilities and much more Includes lovely new air cond 4 room apt Store rent covers apt too with long lease $6500 Down TOM VALENTINE Realtor 221-7373 fTA! STpfiE AVAILABLE CORNER spot in air cond shopping center has carpets air cond ready to be stocked Cali Manuel 374-6108 HEAD Shop A Boutique for hippies artists and beautiful people Low rent A Pleasant wav to make extremely large profits for couple or partners $4990 Down TOMVALENTINE Realtor MOBILE 103 SPACES Plus 12 acres zoned to develop loo more sites Waterfront $390000 $75000 will handle 215 SPACES grosr ig better than $115000 waterfront Try $125000 down To see the return on this in-1 vestment Call Alma Robbins Guv! Bender Assoc Schick Realty Ft Laud 584-9530 FOR Spanish Sneaking Especial-lv Ladies and Childrens Wear Finest Beach Location Large Beautiful store air cond Will net $20000 to $25000 or more $30000 down TOM VALENTINE Realtor 221-7373 MAJOR APPLIANCES SALES and service established 14 years In SW Ideal 2 family business 3 Trucks All equipment Asking $22000 plus Inventory Call anytime JAN BECKMAN Agent 235-4912 PUBLIC COMPAW 51 AVAILABLE: Grosses $500000 nets $110000 Net Worth $300000 Asking $65000 667-5545 World Brokers That Knocking At My Door? WHY ITS "BARNACLE BILL" AND OPPORTUNITY! BARNACLE Bill" Is a unique and exciting concept In the field of marine maintenance (and airolances cars trailers etc) Your customers? More than 150000 boats in Florida alone! YOU Supply a badly needed service that saves your client much time and money "Barnacle Bill" seeks a man who can work and manage Minimum net earnings should be $18200 annually with onlv 1 man EXCLUSIVE County area license If you qualify Your area may still be open Total Investment of $7500 fullv secured We supply everything even to helping you find vour prospects! Write a short letter about vourself or call Mr Bill Kaufman at 655-4913 "Barnacle Bill" 711 Flagler Dr WPB Fla 33406 Sun Aug 1 1971 PUA EAST COAST Beautiful large 3 bedroom home with all extras exclusive Hickory Hill's Must sell JritovlijjU6y49L frontage HOMES Cape Kennedy area Millik-en Realty Realtor 324 Merritt I'-1 and Cswv Merrill Island Fla 636 i 3oj NORTH FLORIDA peaceful lake butler LAKEFRONT subdivision zonad homes In the Bame reserve 2 paved foads convenient location Vi mile to new hospital 14 UNIT trailer court STORY CB duplex approximately 4 acres within city limits COUNTRY subdivision with laroe lots for homes and trailers 1 mile front town ALSO business property Andrews Rt 2 Box 250 Lake Butler Fla (904) 495-4671 CENTRAL FLA LARGE recreational lots-Write Bev lavender Realtor Lake Placid 3 BEDROOM frame house 10 acre beerins orange grove (Valencia) no freeze damage irrigation pipe tractor disc 52 miles from town l'j hrs from Disneyland Hwy 44A Wauchuia Fla Phone JH-773-9523 or 773-6545 1 "CITY acre" lake rights 2 bath lovely home 2 St John's River canal mobile lot $3995 RUBY SAPP Broker Eustis 357-2684 (Lake acra-'90) MUST sell 2 over-sired lakefront lots near Palatka Call 757-3055 ORLANDO 3 bedroom l'j bath dlnmq room alr-cond carnets all electric Total $15579 $5000 down $9859 month Assume $10579 S'a FHA 236 Cosmos Or Call 273-2929 Alter 4pm or weekends LAKE COUNTY-A Dr's dream borne acres lots of frees pasture Roomv 3 bedroom 2 bath all modern CB home with pool double gar-aoe 8 minutes to town $52500 ACREAGES 5 10 20 40 acre tracts high and dry from $700 to $900 Memory Martin Real Estate 205 Grove St Eustis Fla Xfbone: 904-357-444? FAST GROWING LAKE COUNTY CENTRAL LA-Commercial frontage Hwy 441 Disney World growth and traffic area For sale or owner will build and tease back Prime Investment 22QACRES LAKEFRONT-over 3000' lakefront plus 3000' canal front state Hwy Great potential mobile home development Only $725 per acre Terms MATSCHE REAL ESTATE CO Realtors 101 Hwy 441 Mt Dora 904-383-21 08 Eves 904-357-4791 SEBRING Remodeled Frame pan-led 2 bedrooms all electric Beach City Pier Tourist Club stores $17500 cash 411 Pomegranate Sc Bring ORLANDO 3 bedroom i bath ga-rade fenced $16500 Miami 448-7252 SMALL three four five end ten acre farms all frenting on US1 Hwy or county roads in midst of horse farm country $2995 up good terms Anderson Dykes Realty Coro 605 Silver Springs Blvd Ocala Fla 32670 (904) 629-7101 any-11 me 64 ACRE Horse Farm-Ocala Fla Excellent pasture barn house trailer tra ininfl track 1-983-8617 YaCRE lots for house or trailer close to everything Shopping Center Lake Okeechobee etc 80' wide roads $2495 $195 down $40 month Inoludes interest HOWARD PINDER JR PO BOX 954 OKEECHOBEE FLA 7614691 NIGHTS 763-4063 I A BARGAIN A BARGAIN MUST SACRIFICE 3 Acrse Land $1800 down will take Mortgage for $2000 will sell for $3000 cash George McBride Route 1 I Interlachen Fla 32048 1 WATERFRONT IaVeFRONT home in Lake Weir area 3 bedroom 2 bath modern hotne fireplace large screened porch dock and boat ramp $34000 BILL RODGERS REALTY Inc PQ Box 1632 Ocala Fla 32670 (904) 629-7506 AN roil OF THE RAT RACE i FREE CATALOG rIaL Estate values In the heart of central Florida I VILLAGE REAL ESTATE 4 REALTOR Rt 2 Box 658A Deland Fla Ocala-Horse Country "MARY RANCH" 242 ACRES-HORSES-FENCED BEAUTIFUL rolling land fence and croes-fence mile frontage on US 27w6 miles of Ocala V2 mile landscaped paved drlvewav leads to a spacioui 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch tvpe home and servants quarters breedlna barn with 14 stalls large baV shed 2 ponds and No 8 type soil For information call Ethel Ware 235-0749 or M1CKLER LYDEN 1458 PONCE REALTORS 444-6161 SOcala-Horse Country 40 ACRE farm with lots of shade trees situated on rolling land 10 (Miles NW of Ocala Acreage in pasture beautiful laroe 3 bedroom bath colonial style residence with- separate office or Sues cottage This is a hiahlv desirable property located In the select area of Marion County An Ideal gentleman's farm or small horse farm operation Shown by appointment PRINCIPALS only Direct Inaul-ries to: PO Box 56 Lowell f2M1 (904) 629-6747 WEAR DISNEY WORLD 930 ACRES 10 miles west of Disney Strateaicallv located on 2 main hwys at $1300 per acre Terms Contact owner (305)422-4287 4222 Lake Underhill Dr Apt Orlando Fla 32803 580 ROLLING acres 20 minutes from Gainesville oak trees lakes fenced for cattle $650 per acre 443-0964 A REtlRS TO THE FOREST ENJOY fishing In the Ocala National Forest where vou can live on lessl Campsites or homesites from $995 -Liveable homes from $2850 Year uld 64' trailer on shady acre for $7700 Furn 2 bedroom home plus duplex on a large lake $27500 Contact Judy Clements Broker Rt 2 Box 1500 Citra Fla 32627 (904) 546-2041 OKEECHOBEE ACREAGE 26000 Acres al $225 Per Acre 8700 Acres a $275 all cash A 52000 Acres at $240 Per Acre Sanford 160 Acres last niece available for $225 an acre terms Gerber Broker 944-14! MARION COUNTY 120 ACRES no 8 soil 3 bedroom home on state paved road half cleared 1 mile from Incorporated town priced at $650 per acre 126- Acres no 8 soil on paved state road near 1-75 interchange 2 small lakes half cleared onlv $600 per acre 50 acres In permanent grass livable farmhouse good area reasonable terms $39000 for large and small acreage Write or cell: CARTER OR LOLA HOWZE Willson Nichols and Co Realtors 04-479-7191 PO Box 747 Ocala FI a GOOD investment property ache plot at River Ranch Acres In Polk Countv Reasonable Call Stuart (305 287-4450 WATERFRONT lots on Lake Istok-poga south of Sebring From $3995 10 down 10 years to pay Sebring Park Properties PO Box 97 Oius BranchMiarnl 33163 DELIGHTFUL SE8RING-2 bedroom older furn home on lake 59 citrus trees $25 000 5 acre tracts $6000 to residential lots lake privileges $778 up Write for Sebring Brochure Elna Marie Salman Realtor 3 Circle Sebring SET uo nursery or any type business 2 wells sprinkler system because of heart condition I am selling Call 385-4664 between pm or write Rt 1 Box 93C Sebring Fla 33870 1 COUNTRY ESTATE 3 MILES north of Groveland on one acre 3 bedrooms 2 baths large Florida room dining room den central heat 2-air conditioners $27500 15 ACRES 495 feet on hiohwav 27 fivfe miles south of the Parkway on REALTORS 3230 i960 5 ROOM home Full basem*nt With sleeping or recreation rooms Walking distance to all necessities $12530 Contact owner Jack Huse 309 Central Ave or Fl Gray and son Main St New Port Richey Fla 33552 -s SELLING A TV (Or SEVERAL SEEING a I IS BELIEVING THE fantastic results yog get from Clatsified Advertising TV buyers check the Classified listings daily for outstanding CALL today 350-2222 or toll-frea service 1-800-432-0581 for all areas In Florida outside of Dado Coun-jy 04-92 Miscel Real Est 3 CENTRAL FLA SEBRING: 2V acres improved and It floated with plush 2 bedroom mo home central heat-air $15000 PRIME 5400 acre ranch-3200 acres highly improved and irngated numerous creek and road frontage all farm equipment $150000 hom*o $375 oor acre 60 ROOM hotel Packaae Store co*cktail Lounge Restaurant and two stores Lease for $785 a month Total Price: $125000 FABULOUS lakefront home best residential area priced to sell! RIGHT Up town 3 bedroom turn home numerous fruit trees $7 500 GRAYCE McCOY REALTOR PHONE (813) 385-7740 4 Circle SEBRING FLA WEST COAST PORT CHARLOTTE residential lot In active buildinq section Lots of pine trees Asking $2600 Need cash All offers considered Write 1021 SW 67 Ter Ft Laud phone -0785 WANT TO BUY Ft Mvers Beach dUDlex lot or small house near Gulf Write details to Herald Adv 620 ONE of the most beautiful 10 acres In SW Fla large oaks some citrus good fenced pastures creek through property quiet and peaceful 2 bedroom older type frame completely remodeled home See for yourself $35000 with SlO'vOO down and balance arranged and financed bv owner About 20 miles of Ft Mvers near Lee Hiqh Acres phone 813-728-2176 or PO Box 44 Alva Fla Owner NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY SALE SENT LEASE 04-82 North Carolina LINVILLE HEIGHTS PANORAMIC views from cool 4500' Smoky Mts Golf and Ski country Large secluded homesites Hwv 181 Weber Development Comnany LINVILLE NC 28646 Phono 704-733-5307 BEAT the heat with 376 rolling wooded acres with beautiful shade trees beautiful view and cold streams Write Clyde Middleton-Route 2 Box 265 Bakersville NC 28705 HENDERSONVILLE 6 1 bedroom apts $25000 7 bedroom home $16001) Laurel Park 5 bedroom home $22000 643-1875 5 ACRES $2900 TERMS BEAUTIFUL COOL MOUNTAINS Great for vacation homesite Call 444-1681 Write Newman 2101 Ponce Coral Gables Fla 33134 Beautiful 82 acre tract Streams-sorings-pond-woods Borders state maintained road Only 3 miles Lake Glenville Many development possibilities Bretthauer Broker Glenville NC (704 451-6111 Lake Glenville "Thorpe" Beauliful clear 1800 acre Inks Lake frontage lots $5500 Lots with lake access $4400 Bretthauer Broker Glenville NC (704) 451-6111 YOU CAN AFFORD VACATION site in cool beautiful mountains on trout stream and lake next to national forrest Various files $30 down $30 month 444-1681 LARGE wooded mountain lots for sale or lease near Brvson City within easy reach of Cherokee NC Fontana Dam and the Great Smoky Mountains good fishing nearby Robert BailevBox 654 Brvson City NC BEAUTIFUL 25 mountain acres river frontage $15000 Sprues Pine NC 1-704-765-4594 FURN all electric redwood cottage 3 years old-fireblace porch 2 sides-on Buck Creek off US 64 between Highlands and Franklin A Phillips PO Box 221 Waynesvllle NC 28786 (704 926-1251 CAROLINA Smoky Mountain home trailer and campsites acreage or lots Cash or terms 681-0615 NEAR Fontana Village smoky mountains lots from 1800' 758-9864 BEECH MT NC GOLF Course 2 lots bv 1st green $15000 and $18000 terms (704) 387-2261 or (404 875-3763 Mr Gandy SEVEN DEVILS GOLF AND SKI RESORT BOONE NORTH CAROLINA Beautiful 4 bedroom 2 bath chalet Faces golf evurse-beautiful view of Grandfather Mountain 2000 square feet $39950 GOSNELL REALTY COMPANY 1045 Providence Road Charlotte NC 28207 Phone: 704-376-3566 or 704-963-5312 Bob Gosnell REAL COOL 4 BEDROOM 3 BATH NEW RESORT HOME NEW 3 story beautifully furnished home in exclusive Golf and Ski resort near Blowing Rock Value $85(710 Will sell for $65000 good terms 4600 feet in elevation Robert Fewell Co 2300 Ponce Realtor 445-7755 10 UNIT motel-large Inn with bar operators quarters large lot near center industrial resort town on main highway Main street Sacrifice because of health Colonial Inn 410 Main Brevard NC 704-883-3197 470 ACRES BOONE NORTH CAROLINA CHOICE land ready to develoo with 1 mile on highway River creek frontage House barns cool I Only $750 per acre Good terms FEWELL CO 2300 Ponce 445-7755 1100 CHOICE acres streams r- Owners ox 282 Palm Bch 33480 roads only $185 per acre agent PO 5 $30 Month BEAUTIFUL cool mountains great area for vacation homesites onlv 2 left 444-1681 RENTYMoUNTAIN vacation home Late August or Oct 757-51 13 BREVARD AREA Beautiful homesites in Hidden Valiev 3 miles from Brevard Approximately 1 acre $2000 to $3000 Cash or Terms L' 5- Parsons 30 East Main Bre-vard NC FOR rent furnished 3 bedroom bouse Near Boone NC 100 yds from Golf Course Club House 377-4031 Miami SMOKY MTNS Mantahala Gorge and other scenic lots turn on Highway No 129 at No 19 and Mantffalffi 8nd 10 2 10 days Between Highlands and Lake loxawav Call 885-5008 after 4 pm MAGGIE Valley in wild acres Beautiful view 2 bedroom paneled living room oak floors cedar shin-9od' modern kitchen and bath hill side lot $1 1 ooo Thoresen 651-4846 RENT on Cake HiShiL'n'w Glenville near Highland 1 bedroom cottage k-mqnfhavaIlable Ayg-Oct 947-0521" $30 DOWN $30 MONTH HIDEOUT IN wannanoa Nc Outside rough jooking log cabin with porch Modern inside paneled completely furn fire- TRAILER LOTS LOIS on Lake Chatuoe Good roads Jack Rabbit $1800 down $40 month Call or see Jimmy Rogers 704) 3898194 Hayesville Rt 3 NC $4000 lot lovely community all utilities walk to golf course on srnall lake beautifully situated near and Hendersonville Write Route 1 Box 91 Pen-rose NC or call 704-877-3663 MOUNTAIN FARMETTE-SCENIC 44-acre Carolina stock and tobacco farm with panoramic view of valley below! Natural habitat for deer and small game 7 springs 10 acres tillable 55-acre tobacco base wire fences In Western North Carolina Less than mile hardtop highway near ski area and golf course 6-room home in good repair oath fireplace Stock' barn tobacco tbearra-s What a buy at $11500 liberal FgEif 240-page Catalog of over 2200 top values coast to coast! UNITED FARM AGENCY INC Seflle-Efd Estate Broker 300-B SEvilla Ave Suite 2-N Coral Gables Fla 33134 PHONE: 305-444-xlbl PRIME mountain land close to town $250 acre 661-3296 BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN ViEW LOTS with aoole trees streams wa-terfalls native flowers for selection Priced from $395 up Shell cottaae $2495 Shell Bavarian Chalet $4495 between Hendersonyille and Chimney Rock McMillan Hidden Valle' Rt 1 Box 163 A Hei Phone (704) 692-0490 ley NC tile NC CHOICE real estate anv tvoe bus-ness available In this Ideal mountain community Write or call Col Haile BrA Stenson Realtor 220 West ThAvenue Hendersonville North 0484 Georgia DYER REALTY CO 10 ACRES with nice knoll road on 2 sides near paved road small branch bordering I side quiet community 25 ACRES horderlnq nice beautiful timber well located creek RETIREMENT home and Income country store and resioence on 5 acres terrific business potential ACRES on 4-landed highway going business with 3 bedroom house Selling due to Illness DALE DYER Blue Ridge Ga 632-5628 Office 632-2995 0492 Miscel Real Est SALES PRICE CODE MAJOR appliance service company for sale Gross over $100000 per year Established over 8 years Weekend 238-9755 Weekdays 226-3532 ESTABLISHED Beautv Salon Normany Isle Gross $60000 must sell 866-7884 after 8 pm HEALTH FOOD STORE 534-3232 Call between 10AM-6PM New coin laundry and Dry cleaning plant CENTRAL MIAMI BOTH UNDER ONE ROOF DESIGNED TO OPERATE WITH MINIMUM PERSONNEL THIS BUSINESS IS OPEN ONLY 9 MONTHS BUT IS ALREADY DOING A GOOD BUSINESS! WITH GROSS POTENTIAL IN EXCESS OF $7000 A MONTH THIS BUSINESS FEATURES THE LATFST EQUIPMENT IN BOTH THE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING PLANT IS IN A CENTRALLY LOCATED SHOPPING CENTER IN MIAMI TOTAL PRICE FOR BOTH BUSINESSES WAS $95000 BECAUSE OF PARTNERSHIP PROBLEMS CAN BE BOUGHT FOR A LOT LESS LOW DOWN PAYMENT AND TERMS OPEN ON BALANCE THE COIN LAUNDRY OR DRY CLEANING PLANT MAY BE BOUGHT SEPARATELY BOTH BUSINESSES WERE BUILT BY US! AND HAS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT WARRANTY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL GENE JOHNSON AT MILLER DIST CORP 888-2371 AFTER PM 235-5461 DRY CLEANING PLANT $25000 CASH down Buys $218000 gross Income 1 mertgage 7 10 years Bus Broker 2614803 SMALL adult Trailer Park on wa-terwav Paim Bch County PO Box 1150 Palm Bch Fla 33460 CARLYLE BEAUTY PAR-LOR IS FOR SALE 6 stations 12 4tryers 715 71 St MB 866-9239 FOR a qreat drugstore In Palm GET In the profitable roof painting business make $200 weekly part time uo to $40000 yearly full time Full Investment can be less than $1995 Bond Mfg Co 11B NW 5 St Ft LaudJM-4231 EXPERIENCED-only TV" bench-man make partner 757-4347 SHEET METAL SHOP for sale or lease Maratnon Reply to Box 827 Key Colony Bch Ray Cook Gemstones Gifts-Smoky Mtns asking $50000 Retirinq must be seen Indian Spring Trading Post Box 66 Tallulan Falls Ga Hwv 44 WASHBOWL OUTSTANDING HOTPOINT equipped location Open and being built in Dade Broward and throughout Florl-da Minimum $5000 cash down Serious buyers interested in the finest coinops call for appointment WASHBOWL INC 9308 Dixie Hwv (3051 666-8569 LIKE NEW FRIGIDA1RE COIN LAUNDRY IN NE MIAMI NETS $1800 MONTH gip- IT IS ALL FRIGIDAIRE ffflp aEl pdl ED- SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS OF IS REALLY A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRY WITH LOADS OF receIpts TaHreeTRarp1 for fur-JIM O'CONNOR AT MH-LER DIST CORP 888-2371 after 5 PM Call 235-0365 INJECTION molder wanted must have available running time Must be capable of making nylon containers continous work all year round Must supply own molds for these items 2 year guaranteed contract Write Her- ladNews Adv 1099L RETAIL Bakery shop and Beach Shopping Center good trad and lease Write Plaza Bakery 476 Miracle Mile Beach Fla 32960 or call 567-9307 after 6 1 Vero (305) US ED car business partner or vestor Burton 759-2371 COSMETICS and or Wig department Space tremendous beautv shoo on MB Wonderful opportunity 534 34531 Adust to Know FT LAUD beauty shoo 12 stations unlimited potential prime toca-t'Ph 550000 first year excellent value 866-9854 ST JOHNS RIVER CAMP WATERFRONT by 930 depth to State Road Sheltered boat slips 7 boats and motors 6 furn rental units plus complete restaurant and owners aDt Room for exoansion or development of platted lots or mobile park Owner operated Palatka area On St jPohns River GEORGE FREDERICK REALTOR 907 St Johns Ave PALATKA Toll free ask for Palatka WX4243 Business Opportunity WOULD you like a business of your own? You don't need an office to start Beqln at home full or part time Ideal for husband and wife team Call 223-5522 No obligation Let's have coffee and fa Ik "TV business excellent opportunity CalLUo 9 PM 757-3572 BUSINESS in operation Bait and tackle with apt in rear Completely stocked Very reasonable 29130 pederal Hwv 2i81462 RESTAURANT for sale 241 NW 1 Ct Call Mr Lazo 373-9142 7 am 5 pm 681-4253 7-9 om HIGH CLASS CLEANER AIR cond plant new machines Gross Income $90000 Call 446-8239 or 665-7229 Elmer Realty Inc DENTAL OFFICE MIAMI Lakes section air cond shopping center Mr Smigel 374-6108 SO AMERICAN FIRM producer of all kinds of lenses and frames for glasses end sunglasses needs representatives distributors and companies for the sale of its products in all of the US Those Interested write Aoartado Aereo 11895 Bogota Colombia PEPPERIDGE FARM BAKERY Route Franchise now available In Miami area route based on proven sales Call tor appointment 379-1679 BARBER SHOP the best in Miami ood business aood lease 7 barber's manicurists all year round Frank 373-3935 or 261-1366 all offers considered to death well established oil paintings and frame shoo for sale at loss 1350 Washington Ave MB 531-4339 Eves 944-6781 BARBER Shop 2 chairs nice shoo Kev Biscavne 361-5588 361-1126 LEASE complete shoe repair shop in busv dry cleaners very reasonable Point Cleaners 2231 SW 13 Ave 100 COIN LAUNDRY GOOD location Income $25000 Low down payment excellent financing Shopping center 661-2938 WAABRussell Realtor 448-2234 SUCCESSFUL take out restaurant sandwich shop and caterlna In Surf-side Closed Sun Same owner 20 years First time offered $15000 cash required Ask for Sheldon or Bill only 866-9628 EXPERIENCED lady cook to In vest with gentleman In new type health conscious Restaurant Write Herald News Adv 1153L PAINT AND BODY SHOP FOR lease 16x30' booth 10 HP compressors Call after 4 PM 949-7856 Mr Feldman ACCOUNTING firm $3000 monthly gross Income Miami area one man operation call collect weekends or after 5 pm -733-5896 Ft Lauderdale COMPLETE contents ot upholstery shop and materials very reasonable 945-6693 BEAUTY Salon-Boutique Shopping Center Ft Laud-10 operator business good clientele Modern equipped Call owner 581-2223 ARE YOU inetrested In earning $1700 per month part time with only $5900 to invest fully returnable? Call col lect Mr Cla rkj 9041 396-J 707 "MALE or Female" Investor wanted Active or Inactive We have a small center and a 1000 acra subdivision readv to go We will sell end erect Mobile and Modular homes Be an Officer or Part Owner of our company $5010 minimum investment Call 726-3429 or write Co 312 So Seminole Ave Inverness Fla 32650 PATENT RIGHTS AND MOLDS For sale 1958 San Marco Blvd Jacksonville Fla 32207 DRESS store in air cond Mall will work out a good deal 226-1233 WITS End! I Must sacrifice All equipment must go supolies 4 booth Beautv salon Cash no reasonable offer refused See me at 213 SE 1 Ave AMBITIOUS Whv not work for yourself? Build a secure future for vou and vour family Start Dart time no investment no information over phone Cell Sat and Sun onlv 696-8169 WORKING pariner for plastic infection molding small investment re-quired Herald News Adv 430L REDUCED TO SELL! COIN-OP laundry NON attendant terrific opportunity for good income with right management Call Mr for apbomtment EISENMAN REALTY INC Realtors 665-5456 Nursing Home 24 Beds $25000 near Mobile 643-0410 BEER AND WINE BAR KITCHEN facilities 9475 NW Av- 688-3475 691-9353 17 AUTO body shop-used car sales will sell whole or separate Good business $13000 mortgage can be assumed Owner retiring Call 276-6400 or 278-1)61 Delrav Bch BEAUTY SCHOOL ESTABLISHED MPNEYMAKERJ5000 down 940-323J 8 Jour week earn sioo PARTIALLY established frozen pizza route $1800 plus slock 661-1221 or 448-7595 Dick DRIVE-IN Grocery Beer Wine Beverage Store Hollywood Excellent location established clientele $9850 terms considered Hvwd 9 87-0297 920-7980 INVESTORS wanted for restaurant ajid 3 DRY cleaning drop offs SelTsep-srately or together Due to illness must sell this week Don't call unless prepared with otter 651-7149 TAILOR alterations shop $5655 On Gold Coast Well established owner aoino north Call between 8PM and 10PM 771-2123 Ft Laud ICE cream truck "soft serve" $3000 cash Just 4 truck left Orlando 644-06)0 'DECORATING and Custom Dra-perv Shop 13 years In prim location Health and age forcing retirement Custom picture framing sideline Box 7272 Orlando la SAVE THE FRANCHISE FEE OWN your own business in fastest growing area in advertising mobile sign leasing We have 6 signs available for purchase now Only $10000 delivered For Information call Tele-Vue Advertising Tallahas-see 9)4-576-6489 DRY CLEANING plant New Eouip- ment sacrifice 3Z4-5214 make otter IMPORTERS of men's and ladies watches I am looking for a partner in the above lines Write Herald News Adv 1085L BAR Coral Gubles-Beer-Wine-Sand wiches 4521 LeJeune Rd UNIQUE beauty salon In established business area Clientele acces-sible Phone 373-6512 Code BEAUTY Salon prestige clientele must sell due to health 377-2207 nights Day 445-9919 USEirFURNITURE anticiues etc "Flamingo Shop' Rent $150 431 9 St Hia887-253688l-3B81 "The bTggest beauty salon vou ever saw total pric $4500 $49-1559 7542946 SULTAKPS Table Restaurant for lease In Marco Polo Hotel Presently featuring steaks and sea food specializing In broiler items fullv equipped for full scale operation percentage rental with small security for information call Bennett Lifter 949-1461 OTTO REPAIR SHOP ULLY EQUIPPED Desirable loca-ion Going business 751-9642 do you believe this? WORK 16 weeks! Vacation 36 weeks! No selling Investment $6000 Will return approximately $8000 the first year Write Herald Adv 1619L BUSINESS" WHOLESALE and Retail Doing yearly gross of $275000 Building end equipment included Room for meat department Located on busy street Owner anxious For details call Harry Schwartz Assoc 925-5218 Palmview Realty Inc 2310 Hollywood Blvd Hvwd 920-1414 Dade 949-6748 MINI MOTELS DISTRIBUTORSHIPS states Islands Caribbean Instant low cost modular units protected area imported England International Modules Ltd Mr Grady 515 Barton Blvd Rockledae Fla 305-632-5502 ICE CREAM PARLOR TOP location All new equipment Terrific ootential and a large inventory Price is right see for yourself PRITCHARD 8 CORNETT 4618 LeJeune Realtors 667-3613 BEER -WINE BAR OTHER interests Is forcing owner to sell profitable business Reports over $350 per week net Near Gables on busy SW 8th St Onlv $8000 cash down Call Mr Pollock assoc 226-3791 Alton Murphy Realtor 448-1725 Laundry-Dry Cleaner BROWARD company best location Business established many Years Equipment valued at $22000 priced to sell at $33500 Ralph Kirst Assoc 821-8659 eves KEYES C0-46th Year 860 25 St Realtors 691-4820 COIN LAUNDRY EXCELLENT buy see at 918-71 Miami Bei -h 642-8700 444-7808 PARTNER Game Fishing teach be captain $7000 terms Hvwd 987-0761 ELECTRIC motor and pump repair 1 man operation On account of sickness Make offer After 6 PM 6157 Johnson St Hoi ly wood I a LIQUOR lounge First time offered Nets $50000 40000 down Agent 754-4565 RESTAURANT MIAMI Run as vour own business Write PO Box 318 Uleta Miami experience DRY CLEANING PLANT ESTABLISHED business electric conveyor owner HI wonderful loca-tion $15000 handles 75149691 NATIONAL BUSINESS BROKERS JEWELRY STORE MIAMI Lakes section air cond shopping center Mr Nimer 374-6108 DRESS Contractor Will sell all or accept partner Agent 754-4565 WOULD YOU INVEST $593750 (fullv returnable under contract) FOR A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN? If It were possible to 1 Earn $1788 oer month 2 Recover vour $5900 investment In as little as 10 weeks If so and if you 1 Are bondable 2 have a good reputation 3 are readv to start at once (at least part time) 4 Are available for personal interview THEN CALL MR FRANK NORRIS HOLIDAY INN NO 4 MIAMI 854-2075 PROFITABLE business: roof cleaning painting equipment tandem traileryonly $1895 361-2918 HARDWARE Store Nets 35000 down Agent 754-4565 MANUFACTURER 36' FIBERGLASS BOATS THE CHANNING CO INC 625-4336 BOOK-PAMPHLET BINDERY LOCATED In SE Florida Complete well established business Owner will sacrifice Can be purchased complete or pamohlet section can be purchased separate Financing can be arranqed For complete information Phone 305-947-3220 COMMISSARY FOR lease 1700 sq ft fullv equipped and licensed for all types ot food preparation Walk In refrigerator freezer ovens Sic 665-2934 LIQOOR lounge First time offered nets $65000 $60000 down Agent 754-4565 LADIES FASHION EXCLUSIVE location choice shopping center nets $32000 Onlv $28000 plus inventory A Buy Ben-son 758-8749 Weinoarten Rltr OWNER ANXIOUS Beer and Wine Bar close In SW EISENMAN REALTY INC Realtors (24 Hrs) 665-5456 Attention Beauticians BE vour own boss purchase building and existing beautv shoo off Palm Springs Mile $34000 Call exclusive agent DAVID ROBERTSON REALTOR 634 4 Lane Hialeah 888-0726 WHOLESALE: Art and hobby sup-plies Nets $17500 $15000 down Agent 754-4565 DRUG STORE IN MAJOR SHOPPING CENTER GROSS OVER $300000 YEAR TOTAL price $100000 Includes $65000 stock plus $30000 fixtures 29 down PAUL ROSEN Rltv Realtor 944-3481 $SECURITY THIS business opDortunily Is strictly security Backed tv years of exDeri-ence and research it deals with one of today's fastest growing business-es-whlch is mobile homes This operation Is strictly a service oriented operation-the exterior washing and waxing of mobile homes Each iob averages $25 This operation takes approximately 1 hr 15 minutes All work Is handled by machinery and iob matched chemicals Average yearly income upwards of $25000 Total investment $2475 complete and in vour own business Security can be vours This opportunity can be handled full or part time or strictly on the managerial basis if Interested oiease call 305-848-2110 or drop us a line at 900 US 1 take ParkJla 33403 Deot M23 CEMENT Block: Manufacturer $ac-rlflce sacrifice Agent 754-4565 FOR CLASSIFIED INFORMATION 350-2222 or Toll-Fret M00-432-05M Gifts-Fruit Shipping 163 ST SHOPPING CENTER GROSS $45000-69000 DOWN PAUL ROSEN 944-3481 500 ACRE PARK 707 SPACES mile of seawall marina and yacht club utility olants etc $1900000 total $350000 down 2TT43 Call Assoc Ted Nauman 6255381 SOUTHLAND ASSOCIATES Realtors 19825 NW 2 Ave No Dade GREETING CARDS NET $25000 6 DAYS ehort hours growing area BOB LEBO CO St NMB 945-6532 RETIREMENT HOME 22 GUESTS can be remote controlled Well established on plot 307'x237 corner $40000 down 2CC103 Cell Assoc Arthur Miller 625-5381 SOUTHLAND ASSOCIATES Realtors 19825 NW 2 Ave No Dade Sundry shop nets over $13000 Famous Miami hotel 945-6532 NURSERY SCHOOL BUY this successful operation and property with a minimum down payment Owner must sacrifice due to other Interests This Is a very valuable piece of property zoned commer-cial Building and land worth asking price 1BB62 Call Assoc Max Gold-bach 444-4631 SOUTHLAND ASSOCIATES Realtors 1612 Ponce Coral Gables HAMBURGERS NOW run absentee' Couple can net $400 weekly $15000 down SOB LEBO 8 CO 2213 NE 163 St NMB 945-6532 BAR PACKAGE FOOD NEAR $400000 Annually LONG Low rent Downtown $60000 down 2BB219 Call assoc Arthur Miller 625-5381 SOUTHLAND ASSOCIATES Realtors 19825 NW 2 Ave No Dade OFFICE BUILDING SNACK STAND 5 DAYS CLOSES 4 PM 9VE WEEKLY BOB LEBO 8 CO 945-6532 RESTAURANT-LOUNGE WELL-ESTABLISHED BAYFRONT THIS is a rare opportunity for an experienced operator to serve fine clientele and lovers of gourmet dining Lounge and dining area seats 90 Banauef room serves 150 Take over a good lease with 29 down Now open 6 days a week Call us for appointment to discuss all details We have others large ano small Serkin or Evelvn Framer Assocs KEYES 46th Year 100 Blsc Blvd Realtors 371-3592 DRY CLEANING PLANT' NETS OVER $500 A WEEK Too location $20000 down BOB LEBO 8 CO 2213 NE 163 St NM 945-6532 ARTIFICIAL Florist nets 8600 week $15000 down Aoent754-4565 FORNEY ARC NEEDS Individuals or businesses In Florida State who are ambitious and want a business or add to their business a full line of ouaranteed top quality welders welding supplies battery chargers and standby generators to sell and service 39 years of manufacturing know-how Products needed by every farm shop garaqe school etc Full field training by local manager If mechanically inchned like working with oeoole desire business with middle to hiah income ootental and have a gooc credit ratina You cen net Into $20000 business for as little as $1000 Write or call collect Mr Ted Anderson PO Box 563 Fort Collins Colorado 80521 303-482-7271 COFFEE SHOP 5V4DAYS SHORT HOURS LONGLEASE HIGH NET BOB LEBO CO 945-6532 COIN LAUNDRAMAT $10000 down-Net $10000 year BABco*ck Realtor 891-2580 $5800 TOTAL PRICE dRnn3YOCaShdBWn- 7 44-7777 RESTAURANT Take out eat seats 90 free standing building plenty of parking ideal tor steak or seafood specialities beer and wine license available rent $150 month No Dade area Terms 624-1718 MINIATURE GOLF COURSES delivered in 3 days outdoors or Earn Priced at ExceHent fmancing LOMMA ENTERPRISES INC Scranton Pa ASSOCIATE to start and teach Cal-665-9539 hiflh ATT RACTfVE-Excellent condition Efficiency cabins and mobile home park 450' on US 1 2 miles from ocean swimming 10 miles north Vero Beach Write Robert Sullivan cMloU5-73-0C33l'nd'an BaaCh food market-hCllYwoo Rare opportunity established years Call owner 949-7730 SHELLS bank insurance manu-facturmg etc Agent 887-7991 iL0aSi PARKING $195 MONTH1 7ZTasual furniture" dlsPal' and swimming pool retail store opportunity for expe eop fzitik akI-over complete 6160 B'scayne Blvd successful automat for? 68W206 sales- trade Package Liquor Store v2-lME' no cut-rate 22 WMOO handlersen Brivaa RATIONAL business brokers 8130 giscayne Blvd 741-8x01 International Business Brokers 665-8296 RESTAURANT GROSS: $120000 Lease: year $7000 down MEvmgE0UIPMENT PARTNER YOUNG nwner Present hi-value $15 000 dow aBd Caribbean' s- W'AMI LOUNGE AND pACK 28 rtnR $35 rent 1 AM 1 COP $35000 down (Also Beach and Goulds) '(SMART" Shop Shoo center MUSAceaSTBORn9-m000 dOWn' GREAT location Valuable 5 vear lease Shoo center $30000 down SKILLED Corporate Marketing Executive also Entrepreneur with capital seeks partnership acquisition or merser anv growth business WnteHerald4ewsAdv 1026L Mo CLOTHING RETAILER xif? Ac5'000 Asking $28000 667-5545 AAr Dean PROFITABLE Beauty Shoo-for' 5 year Owner ill and must sell Now Finest equipment and clientele $4500 down and best offer TOMJMLE NTINE Realtor221 -7373 VALET shop in deluxe Palm Beach hotel Owner retiring Good business reasonable1305)655-2396eves SUPERMARKET' -E90urmet tVB With AAA repeat customers Long established Fl-a- Coast- Sales $600000 year competition total once $135000 Good terms RUSSELL ASSOCIATES 6660 Biscavne Blvd petroleum geoloTst and author wants friend and Kelp form new company ljos! Wrie fsT4hssm week' NEW AUTO PARTS- NETS $40000 PLUS YEARLY ESTABLISHED AND GROWING $40000 CASH HANDLES RUSSELL ASSOCIATES 6460Jiscavne Blvd 758-1701 MOBILE HOME PARK ON laroe fresh water lake Over 250 feet of water frontaqe about 6 acres Part of which is lake bottom 14 hoo-kubs room for more 3 one-bedroom rental trailers 2-bedroom air conditioned mobile home with Florida room and screened porch On paved road Onlv $45000 FREE "Busi ness and Income property Bulletin" of over 300 outstanding buys coast to coast! ATTENTION I OWN a very busy Liquor Lounge with finest clientele I pour $150000 a vear plus another $100000 In package and sandwiches I have a 5 AM 4 COP license and an excellent iong term lease I have been established a long time and want to retire I netted 60000 plus las vear You can buy this business for $200000 with 50 down balance good terms If qualified contact my broker below RUSSELL ASSOCIATES 6660 Biscavne Blvd 758-1701 FIBERGLASS SUPPLYT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OWNER netted $25000 the first 6 months of this year Must sell due to other interests Low down payment to qualified buyer RUSSELL ASSOCIATES 6660 1 sea vneB I vd 758-1 701 BEER Bar near tiew Holiday Inii Beautiful little bar ideal for olrls! Price $7000-'j down Many others Reliance Rltv 443-7452 POOL SUPPLIES AND pool maintenance grossing over $175000 vear and very profitable Owner moving must sell Full price $65000 include net worth of $45000 Good terms RUS5ELL ASSOCIATES 6660 Biscavne Blvd 758-1701 LIQUOR Bar Dade Gross $100000 5AM Price $55000 $29 Manv ofhers Reliance Rltv 443-X45 ig T00 COIN LAUNDRY INCOME $22000 year In excellent Hollywood area On sewers with good parking Excellent equipment $12000 handles RUSSELL ASSOCIATES 6660 Biscavne Blvd 758-1701 Hollywood Dtfice MT Gable 987-5510 IIBEAUTY ESTABLISHED 21 years AAA location 14 stations 25 dryers big vol ume big net one of the best NATIONAL BUSINESS BROKERS 8130 Biscavne JSlyd 751-8691 TRAILER PARK lncom8 $180000 cash needed $250000 WEITHORN 754-754 LIQUOR Lounoe and Drive in package store and restaurant Oose to Miami International Airport Nice set up For details call for with JOHN ADAMS REALTOR 888-3003 Sorry no Information on phone DRESS BUSINESS 1022 LINCOLN ROAD 538-2501prXI)743-262LPM DOCTORS ORDERS-MUST SELL VERY BUSY CLOCK COMPANY ANTIQUE imports cuckoos chimes player pianos etc Exclusive famous clock service center Expert clock-maker employees wish to participate remain with business anyone can operate Priced to sell TErms HAMILTON Real Estate 754-3492 FAbulous NE Location-Good LEase COIN LAUNDRY $29000 NEARLY NEW 16 lb washers 11 dryers PLUS 4 mlnibovs 1 triple loader dry cleaning unit TERMS Hamilton Real Estate 754-3492 5 STAR PARK OVER 300 spaces with huae exoansion potential Buyer will get $73000 cash flow on $750000 down land included vou won't believe the low pricel 2TT28 Call Assoc Dale Van Brunt 625-5381 SOUTHLAND ASSOCIATES Realtors 19825 NW 2 Ave No Dade SW LAUNDRY $10000- DOWN BUYS THIS BIRD RD CUBAN AMERICAN LAUNDRY SOME MACHINES ARE ONLY 10 MONTHS OLD OWNER HAS OTHER BUSINESS INTERESTS AND WANTS OUT AND WILL TAKE BACK THE MORTGAGE FOR QUALIFIED BUYER CALL RALPH GERONIMO Ft Laud 565-2587 after 7 Mia 233-2623 8 ASSOCIATES DISTRIBUTORS OF COIN-OP EQUIPMENT HIALEAH FULLY AIR-COND STORE DECORATED IN PINK-MACHINES FLOOR AND WALLS TOOI OFFERS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY IN AN Al LOCATION STORE IS IN A SHOPPING CENTER BORDERING MIAMI LAKES PRESTIGE DEVELOPMENT ORIGINAL OWNER WILL CARRY MORTGAGE AND WANTS OUT NOW! CALL RALPH GERONIMO Ft Laud 565-2687 after 7 Mia 233-2623 8 ASSOCIATES DISTRIBUTORS OF COIN OP EQU I PMENT OF DISNEYWORLD 900 ACRES over I mile road front-age bordering Golf Course 15 Min utes to Tampa and Beaches sell total or oart or will accept Joint Venture Readv for Housinq develop-ment Mobile Park Trail Park Camo-er Park or Subdivision $1500 per acre Excellent financing only 5 dCa7f Assoc Mr Kowalchuk 757-0661 SOUTHLAND ASSOCIATES Realtors 8252 Biscavne Blvd Miami WEST PALM BEACH SMALL Motel on US 1 swimming pool excellent condition Write for brochure to: Mr Pearly c-o Berm-Ingham Realtors PO Box 2123 WPB HOBBY AND CRAFTS STORE SHOWS TRUE NET OVER $27500 OWNER retiring 7 successful years in prominent shopping center Real money maker No experience necessary Free brochure Call Charles Toven Pres or Richard Katz As- "KEYES 46th year inn Bisc Blvd Realtors 371-3592 Bob Gordon And I bought A FANNING Franchise "I OWN and operate tha Fanning Personnel office in Tampa After 10 years ef working for others I decided to ba mv own boss That was a big step But it turned out to be the right one I believe that additional Fanning offices in Florida would work to the advantage of all of us in this area Want to join me In bringing a fine national personnel service to a location of vour own in Florida and building vour profitable Fanning office? Fanning will train vour from scratch and the cost ot a franchise Is $9500 Call collect for Informal chat and an unusual opportunity to get a franchisa owner's ooint of view!" Robert Gordon (813)229-7731 FANNING PERSONNEL OF TAMPA INC 514 FRANKLIN STREET TAMPA FLORIDA 33602 WOMEN'S WEAR STORE fixtures stock and all aqulb-ment Take over payments and lease air cond shoppina center Mr Smigel 374-6108 SHOP CORAL Gabies excellent lease established profitable THE MIKE RAAB CO INC Reg Real Estate Broker 379-3952 GROCERIES Sandwiches Beer Good area Security plus a handsome living for a couple or partners 23 Years same family Gross $12000 month $15000 Down TOM VALENTINE Realtor 221-7373 BEER Bar Big room 4 barrels 50 cases sold week 2 oool tables net $100 week $5500 down Many others Reliance Rlty 443-7452 100 COINTAUNDRY HOLLYWOOD Shopping Center all coin $1700 monthly income $8000 Handles real buy 751-8691 NATIONAL BU I ESSB RO KERS BEER AND WINE WITH food facilities NMB location Gross Income over $3000 per month Full price $12000 $6000 cash down handABCO REALTY REALTORS 125 NE 125 St 758-2541 Business Opportunity LONG established Take-out food business and restaurant on busy mam fhorofare In Miami Excellent profit (will show books) Full price $25000 Good terms available Call Toyen VP or Waidele Assoc KEYES C0-46th Year 100 Bisc Blvd Realtors 371-3592 $23000 PER YEAR PROFIT NO SELLING WORK 24 HOURS PER WEEK INITIAL INVESTMENT $7284 THIS mav be the best business opportunity vou've ever had FOR an Initial cash Investment of $7284 one of the oldest largest publicly held soft drink companies in the country will set vou uo in your own modern vending business requiring 24 hours work oer week with a realistic possible of $23460 oer vear his is a solid opportunity YOU receive complete com- fany support including loca-ions and an opportunity to orow 95 financing to those qualified THIS Is not a franchise there are no royalitv fees every dollar vou Invest goes Into vour own business FOR more Information write (Include phone number) visit VALU VEND INC FOUR AMBASSADORS Tower 1 suite 1810 999 Bavshore Dr Miami Fla PHONE DADE 358-6930 Broward 563-3426 12 YEAR mobile home and camp- Iro nies 836-4311 759-5677 MARINA-Apt-Club complex Partly developed producing income In nice community on east coast of Florida Will sell outright or consider partner to completely develop $485000 total rice Call JOHN ADAMS REAL- -OR 888-3003 TAKE over well-goinq long-estab-llshed custom drapery slipcover bedspread 1500 sq ft space long term lease available at $150 a month Seller ill will consider all offers Hoskin Realty Realtor 758-1865 LUCRATIVE Pet Shop business good location Under $10000 initial capital required Financing can ba arranged for balance for qualified ourchaser We will train Figures available to establish approximately $3500 net monthly Herald News Adv 979L Live in work earn IN this completely equipped nursery plus fruit and gift shop near Ocala located on 22 acres with fruit trees 2 bedroom living quarters Forced to sell Price only $23000 Call 622-3214 Leo Wiechens Inc 2012 SE Pine Ave Ocala Fla BEACH llaubr bars and restaurant 5 AM license Owner 534-0432 NOVELTY button factory readv for production financing available for right buver Call Mr Shirley 888-3611 Hialeah Miami Springs 1st State Bank PROFITABLE MARINA WELL LOCATED priced right good terms Call Don Roberts for denll CORAL GABLES REALTY INC Realtors 443-4677 BURGLAR Alarm company needs sales oriented partner Modest Investment Reolv Herald Adv 1627L 3 ACRfcS-mouniain land covered with hardwoods camp site old cabin spring Mrs MSB Dvcus Rt 2 Box 121-F Blue Ridge Ga 30513 BLLj RfDaFGA" PEACEFUL 50 acre farm surrounded by beautitul mountain woods excel lent springs 3 bedroom home 2 cai gange and barn 3 good garden soots Horse barn VS mile to Blue Ridae Lake Fruit trees all paved roads $30000 Terms arranged Henderson Realty 821-7422 0487 Out of Country $10000 FIRM FROM ORIGINAL PURCHASER Going price $20000 Lot on beautiful Great Harbor Cay High Point Dr 55 feet above ocean Charles McGehee 2W-5972 Savanna' Ga l912 BAHAMAsTstcIta Marls Long s-land Exclusive lot approximately 4 acres close to proposed golf course Facing Queens Highway foundation for a house olentv of water trees ITS'-blahS Only $52000 GARCIA REALTY66y896 ANTIGUA I -house for sale 1 cre land Details wrile PO Box 173 Sii-John'SjJintigua 90 LOTS wholesale $1500 per lot Will divide Bahama subdivision on ocean between Lucava Freeport and End All streets paved deep canal boat ramo and beach reservation Tobin Tobin Really 420 Lincoln Rd Miami BEach fla 531-0858 04-90 Out ot State Prop MIDDLE Georgia 49 acres country store laundromat home other build ings 233-4294 140 ACRES fantastic coast Biloxi Miss $1100 per acre Germaine PO Box 855 Mia 3T01 04-91 Residential Prop SELL for profitl All cash Free In soection and Valuation Call 445-8671 Edwin Bagby Realtor HAVE $5000 cash want Duplex 866-5302 or 651-3906 We have buyers for vour property Bert fijfest Realtor 445-5366 ALL CASH FOR YOUiTHOME ASHER REALTY Broker 223-0331 CASH INI HOUR cbsMyehouses now OR BROWARD 3 ANY CONDITION ANY PRICE RESIDENTIAL DUPLEXES 4 APTS NO COSTS-NO NOW-24 HR ES RVICE KAY 865-8500 CALI MR Call Us First! Quick Cash DEVONSHIRE INVESTMENT CORP 861-4658 24 Hours SAVE time expense top cash prompt closing Carol City Myrtle Grove homes 624-2607 Realtor Bright Realty Inc 45)0 NW 183 SEUTDS YOUR HOME APT BUILDING NURSING HOME ROOMING HOUSE HOTEL LOTS AND ACREAGE COMMERCIAL-WAREHOUSES NO COMM SSION NO CLOSING COST NO LEGAL FEES NO WAITING CALL MR MORRIS Days 633-8130 Nights 532-9058 QUICK CASH-CALL US-WFPaT ALL COSTS ANY AREA MOVE WHEN READY OR WILL TRADE OOLITE REALTY Realtor CALL US FIRST! 625-0457 WE PAY Ail CASH SELL direct to us save time and ad-vertisinq move when ready BILL EISNOR INC REALTORS CALL 661-3371 NOW! SELL DIRECT WE WILL pay "ALL CASH" for vour home No closing costs Move when readv Free inspection 688-6671 ANCHELL REALTY INC Realtors CORPORATION needs 4 homes In NW or NE Dade County All Cash 861-0270 Call 24 hours DESIRES HOUSE ONVTHE WATER NE NORTH MIAMI BEACH AREA OCCUPANCY PRIOR TO NOV IS MR GREEN 621-0523 WE PAY ALL CASH Net to vou CBS frames etc 891-2900 WHY FRET? WE BUY SELL to us direct We pav cash Move later Robert Marx Realtor PHONE 661-1661 NOW! WE HAVE Investors ready to buy vour property preferrablv SW section All cash or your equity PAN AMERICAN REALTY REALTOR 230 SW 17 Ave 643-4850 FAST CASH-TOP DOLLAR MR MARVIN RES 235-2748 GREATER MIAMI REALTY INC REALTORS 446-8611 MY client needs large 2 bedroom 2 bath with separate cottage on same lot or duplex In North Grove Gables So Miami or vicinity Reeven Kalman Broker 445-8691 COUPLE needs house CBS or frame under $20(730 total 643-0693 SW-HOME AND INCOME HAVE cash buyer for modern 2 bedroom CBS home plus small rental unit good condition near Coral Way and 12 Ave If you want to sell such a property please call ROY MUNDEN REALTOR 643-4646 It's EVANS REALTY For The Best Miami Springs Listings CALL 888-4541 TODAY Does your home have a pool? HAS 2 bedroom 1 bath or 3 bedroom 2 bath located in Grove Gables SW or So Miami and you will take $30000 or less and I have client Reeven Kalman Broker 445-8691 Spanish Clientele for Homes AA ERNANDEZ Realtor 373-1533 WANT homes $25-542000 bracket SW or Perrine area Immediate cash to owner No aqents Phone 238-5632 quick inspection LARGE size lot in Coral Gables Residential area Call office hours 685-5759 Mon and Tues RETIRED COUPLE WANTS HOMg APARTMENT OR LOT SOUTHWEST OR CORAL GABLES NO AGENTS PLEASE 665-6160 SELL DIRECT NO commissions no waiting! Will buy on first call Partner 854-3188 or 666-6121 NO SWEAT WE WILL BUY YOUR HOME NO "FAST BUCK" GIMMICK CALL 226-6911 SAM NEVEL REALTOR ASSOCS 04-92 Miscel Real Est GOVERNMENT lands Low $350 acre! US A and Canada Lists mailed Opportunity USA 220 Dela- ware Ave Buffalo NY 14202 0501 Business Opportunities LANDSCAPE nursery fenced water house and property Included zonedBU-TLiSfLOOOJSS-ASSj! REMODELING-bufldinq-firm Lu-crative business over 30 years Dade retiring Herald News Adv 1541' COMPLETE roof paintinq ria with Chevrolet truck $800 446-0705 MAJOR appliance store $5000 or best offer buys everything 1137 NW 54 St 759-6201 Prosperous Dairy Queen Store Available in Central Florida $35 ooi Terms caJL3pW52481 6 PARTNERSHIP business for wholesale nd retail 751-0803 from PARTNER needed Minimum $36000 dollars Readv to tool uo for patented plastic product with terrific profit potential Principals only 944-3883 LAWNMOWER and bike shoo garden and pet supplies The usiest shop in the area High class trade established over 3 years Well stocked with new merchandise $18000 821-4941 SUPERVISOR NEEDED for growing national business Small Investment Call Mr Clemens 888-9579 CARVEL ICE CREAM Hialeah Call 1-7 pm 822-1241 SMALL Drain block plant owner must sell at sacrifice price well established business for appointment call 688-3291 After 5 call 821-3584 AM looking for an associate to help manufacture and market luxury fur garments and fur products $10000 needed 1986 Opa Locka Blvd 688-2844 LARGE produce store with fixtures and large walk in cooler with brand new refrigerated unit for sale or lease 618 Collins Ave Miami Bch 532:3190 SACRIFICE SALE LIQUOR Lounge on Miami Beach 5 am license best offer 445-0779 For sale service station 420Q SvV 8 St Call 4440293 EXCELLENT ODDortunlty-experl-enced Boat Mechanic Interested In ieasmg and operating established re-air shop at well-known Marina Key argoFla Heraid News Adv 983L ESTABLISHED Fabric Store for sale Herald-News Adv 763L BUY OUT MY PARTNER $35000 Required Active or Inactive excellent earnings Call Mel Fineman 866-4413 DRY cleaning drop off station Phone Eves and weekends 271-7439 Double vour oney safely I Get $150000 (US) Tax Free Buy Lease Secured Notes Now! 750 Buvs $1000 at 10 (5 years) Int'l Alarms Box N3855 Nassau SHOWBOAT SfERNWHEELER Immaculate condition Great monev maker 300 bassenaers 524-1651 or Eves 523-9995 Ft Laud BUYING? SELLING? INVESTING? You Need Professional Assistance! Our firm will assist you in th sale or purchase of or investment in a complete range of profitable busi nesses in Florida We will study the requirements of each client seeking our assistance If our own roster of 120 companies does not contain a situation com patible with your requirements we will conduct a search to find such a company Each company is analyzed and investigated and an in-depth presentation of the facts concerning the business involved is provided We welcome your investigation and inquiries from banks attorneys and accountants All our activities are conducted with discretion and in professional confidence so please contact us for further information Direct your inquiries to- Richard Rudolph Vice President NOTICE TO BROKERS --on FHA ACQUIRED PROPERTIES NUMBEt APBBESS 7' THE FIVE DAY WAITING PERIOfl EXPIRES ON AUGUST 6 1971 FKI PROPERTIES MUST EE SOLD WITHOUT REGARD TO THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS RACE COLOR RELIGION OR NATIONAL ORIGIN FT LAUOERDALE (RANCH OFFICE PO Boi 23806 Ft Lauderdale Fla 3330T Tslephone (305) 974-4940 1 In mMitoj 7.

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About The Miami Herald Archive

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The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)


What is the Miami Herald known for? ›

Miami Herald is South Florida's #1 source for information. Miami Herald Media Company (MHMC) publishes the Miami Herald, winner of 22 Pulitzer Prizes, and El Nuevo Herald, recipient of the Ortega y Gasset international prize for Spanish-language publications.

What is the address of the Miami Herald? ›

MIAMI HERALD - Updated August 2024 - 154 Reviews - 3511 NW 91st Ave, Miami, Florida - Newspapers & Magazines - Phone Number - Yelp.

What is the name of the Miami newspaper? ›

Miami Breaking News, Sports, Crime & More. Miami Herald.

Who started the Miami Herald? ›

Frank B. Stoneman, a 45-year-old native of Indiana, moved to the fledgling City of Miami in 1903 to create The Miami Evening Record, a newspaper which would eventually become the Miami Herald.

What is the oldest black neighborhood in Miami? ›

Overtown, now one of the city's oldest Black American communities, easily became the “Harlem of the South.” Locals built successful shops, grocery stores, and theaters—everything they needed was nearby.

What is the oldest town in Miami? ›

Coconut Grove, also known colloquially as “The Grove,” is an affluent and the oldest continuously inhabited neighborhood of Miami in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Does the Miami Herald still exist? ›

The Miami Herald is an American daily newspaper owned by The McClatchy Company and headquartered in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Who owns the Herald? ›

The Herald & Times Group is owned by Newsquest, one of the UK's biggest newspaper and website publishers.

Who is the editor of the Miami Herald? ›

Alex Mena | Miami Herald.

What is Florida's biggest newspaper? ›

Florida's Largest Daily Newspaper | Tampa Bay Times.

How many people read the Miami Herald? ›

In 2019, the Miami Herald newspaper had a daily circulation of 75.3 thousand, down from almost 79 thousand in the previous year.

What was the first newspaper in Florida? ›

On Feb. 1, 1783, Wells launched Florida's first newspaper, The East-Florida Gazette.

How old is the Miami Herald? ›

The Miami Herald is an American newspaper. It is headquartered in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Founded in 1903, it is the fifth largest newspaper in Florida. The Miami Herald has been awarded 24 Pulitzer Prizes.

How do I contact the Miami Herald? ›

Q: How do I report a problem with my newspaper delivery? Log in and Delivery Options > Delivery Feedback if your newspaper is missing, damaged or incomplete. Or you may call Customer Service at 800-843-4372.

Who is the leader of Miami? ›

Francis X. Suarez is the 43rd Mayor of Miami. As the first Miami-born mayor, he is committed to building a Miami that lasts forever and that welcomes everyone.

What is the most important Miami newspaper? ›

The Miami Herald is an American daily newspaper owned by The McClatchy Company and headquartered in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

What is Miami popularly known for? ›

With white, sandy beaches, turquoise waters and an over-the-top cultural scene, Miami Beach attracts millions of visitors to its world-famous shores each year.

What are the Miami Indians known for? ›

The early Miami were known for growing a unique variety of white corn. They celebrated harvests and green corn time with feasts. Games played included the moccasin game, the double ball game, and darts.

What is the mission statement of the Miami Herald? ›

OUR MISSION: The most credible and dynamic source of news, information and innovative marketing solutions in our community.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.