C Programs - C Programming Examples (2024)

Last Updated : 15 Feb, 2024




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C Programs: Practicing and solving problems is the best way to learn anything. Here, we have provided 100+ C programming examples in different categories like basic C Programs, Fibonacci series in C, String, Array, Base Conversion, Pattern Printing, Pointers, etc. These C programs are the most asked interview questions from basic to advanced level.

C Programs - C Programming Examples (2)

C Program Topics:

  • Basic C Programs
  • Control Flow Programs
  • Pattern Printing Programs
  • Functions Programs
  • Arrays Programs
  • Strings Programs
  • Conversions Programs
  • Pointers Programs
  • Structures and Unions Programs
  • File I/O Programs
  • Date and Time Programs
  • More C Programs

C Program – Basic

  1. C Hello World Program
  2. C Program to Print Your Own Name
  3. C Program to Print an Integer Entered By the User
  4. C Program to Add Two Numbers
  5. C Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not
  6. C Program to Multiply two Floating-Point Numbers
  7. C Program to Print the ASCII Value of a Character
  8. C Program to Swap Two Numbers
  9. C Program to Calculate Fahrenheit to Celsius
  10. C Program to Find the Size of int, float, double, and char
  11. C Program to Add Two Complex Numbers
  12. CProgram to Print Prime Numbers From 1 to N
  13. C Program to Find Simple Interest
  14. C Program to Find Compound Interest
  15. C Program for Area And Perimeter Of Rectangle

C Program – Control Flow

  1. C Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive, Negative, or Zero
  2. C Program to Check Whether Number is Even or Odd
  3. C Program to Check Whether a Character is Vowel or Consonant
  4. C Program to Find Largest Number Among Three Numbers
  5. C Program to Calculate Sum of Natural Numbers
  6. C Program to Print Alphabets From A to Z Using Loop
  7. C Program to Check Leap Year
  8. C Program to Find Factorial of a Number
  9. C Program to Make a Simple Calculator
  10. C Program to Generate Multiplication Table
  11. C Program to Print Fibonacci Series
  12. CProgram to Find LCM of Two Numbers
  13. C Program to Check Armstrong Number
  14. C Program to Display Armstrong Numbers Between 1 to 1000
  15. C Program to Display Armstrong Number Between Two Intervals
  16. C Program to Reverse a Number
  17. C Program to Check Whether a Number is a Palindrome or Not
  18. C Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not
  19. C Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Intervals
  20. CProgram to Check whether the input number is a Neon Number
  21. C Program to Find All Factors of a Natural Number
  22. Cprogram to Sum of Fibonacci Numbers at Even Indexes up to N Terms

C Program – Pattern Printing

  1. C Program to Print Simple Pyramid Pattern
  2. C Program to Print Given Triangle
  3. C Program to Print 1800 Rotation of Simple Pyramid
  4. C Program to Print Inverted Pyramid
  5. C Program to Print Number Pattern
  6. C Program to Print Character Pattern
  7. C Program to Print Continuous Character Pattern
  8. C Program to Print Hollow Star Pyramid
  9. C Program to Print Inverted Hollow Star pyramid
  10. C Program to Print Hollow Star Pyramid in a Diamond Shape
  11. C Program to Print Full Diamond Shape Pyramid
  12. C Program to Print Pascal’s Pattern Triangle Pyramid
  13. C Program to Print Floyd’s Pattern Triangle Pyramid
  14. C Program to Print Reverse Floyd pattern Triangle Pyramid

C Program – Functions

  1. C Program to Check Prime Number By Creating a Function
  2. C Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals Using Functions
  3. C Program to Find All Roots of a Quadratic Equation
  4. C Program to Check Whether a Number can be Express as Sum of Two Prime Numbers
  5. C Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers using Recursion
  6. C Program to Calculate the Factorial of a Number Using Recursion
  7. C Program to Find G.C.D Using Recursion
  8. C Program to Reverse a Stack using Recursion
  9. C Program to Calculate Power Using Recursion

C Program – Arrays

  1. C Program to Print a 2D Array
  2. C Program to Find the Largest Element in an Array
  3. C Program to Find the Maximum and Minimum in an Array
  4. C Program to Search an Element in an Array (Binary search)
  5. C Program to Calculate the Average of All the Elements Present in an Array
  6. C Program to Sort an Array using Bubble Sort
  7. C Program to Sort an Array using Merge Sort
  8. C Program to Sort an Array Using Selection Sort
  9. C Program to Sort an Array Using Insertion Sort
  10. C Program to Sort the Elements of an Array in Descending Order
  11. C Program to Sort the Elements of an Array in Ascending Order
  12. C Program to Remove Duplicate Elements From a Sorted Array
  13. C Program to Merge Two Arrays
  14. C Program to Remove All Occurrences of an Element in an Array
  15. C Program to Find Common Array Elements
  16. C Program to Copy All the Elements of One Array to Another Array
  17. C Program For Array Rotation
  18. C Program to Sort the 2D Array Across Rows
  19. C Program to Check Whether Two Matrices Are Equal or Not
  20. C Program to Find the Transpose
  21. C Program to Find the Determinant of a Matrix
  22. C Program to Find the Normal and Trace
  23. C Program to Add Two Matrices
  24. C Program to Multiply Two Matrices
  25. C Program to Print Boundary Elements of a Matrix
  26. C Program to Rotate Matrix Elements
  27. C Program to Compute the Sum of Diagonals of a Matrix
  28. C Program to Interchange Elements of First and Last in a Matrix Across Rows
  29. C Program to Interchange Elements of First and Last in a Matrix Across Columns

C Program – Strings

  1. C Program to Add or Concatenate Two Strings
  2. C Program to Add 2 Binary Strings
  3. C Program to Get a Non-Repeating Character From the Given String
  4. C Program to check if the string is palindrome or not
  5. C Program to Reverse an Array or String
  6. C program to Reverse a String Using Recursion
  7. C Program to Find the Length of a String
  8. C Program to Sort a String
  9. C Program to Check For Pangram String
  10. C Program to Print the First Letter of Each Word
  11. C Program to Determine the Unicode Code Point at a Given Index
  12. C Program to Remove Leading Zeros
  13. C Program to Compare Two Strings
  14. C Program to Compare Two Strings Lexicographically
  15. C Program to Insert a String into Another String
  16. C Program to Split a String into a Number of Sub-Strings

C Program – Conversions

  1. C Program For Boolean to String Conversion
  2. C Program For Float to String Conversion
  3. C Program For Double to String Conversion
  4. C Program For String to Long Conversion
  5. C Program For Long to String Conversion
  6. C Program For Int to Char Conversion
  7. C Program For Char to Int Conversion
  8. C Program For Octal to Decimal Conversion
  9. C Program For Decimal to Octal Conversion
  10. C Program For Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
  11. C Program For Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
  12. C Program For Decimal to Binary Conversion
  13. C Program For Binary to Decimal Conversion

C Program – Pointers

  1. How to Return a Pointer from a Function in C
  2. How to Declare a Two-Dimensional Array of Pointers in C?
  3. C Program to Find the Largest Element in an Array using Pointers
  4. C Program to Swap Two Numbers
  5. C Program to Sort an Array using Pointers
  6. C Program to Sort a 2D Array of Strings
  7. C Program to Check if a String is a Palindrome using Pointers
  8. C Program to Create a Copy of a Singly Linked List using Recursion

C Program – Structures and Unions

  1. C Program to Store Information of Students Using Structure
  2. C Program to Store Student Records as Structures and Sort them by Name
  3. C Program to Add N Distances Given in inch-feet System using Structures
  4. C Program to Add Two Complex Numbers by Passing Structure to a Function
  5. C Program to Store Student Records as Structures and Sort them by Age or ID
  6. Read/Write Structure to a File in C
  7. Flexible Array Members in a Structure in C

C Program – File IO

  1. C Program to Create a Temporary File
  2. C Program to Read/Write Structure to a File
  3. C Program to Rename a file
  4. C Program to Make a File Read-Only
  5. C program to Compare Two Files and Report Mismatches
  6. C Program to Copy One File into Another File
  7. C Program to Print all the Patterns that Match Given Pattern From a File
  8. C Program to Append the Content of One Text File to Another
  9. C Program to Read Content From One File and Write it Into Another File
  10. C Program to Read and Print all Files From a Zip File

C Program – Date and Time

  1. C Program to Format time in AM-PM format
  2. C program to Print Digital Clock with the Current Time
  3. C Program to Display Dates of Calendar Year in Different Formats
  4. C Program to Display Current Date and Time
  5. C Program to Maximize Time by Replacing ‘_’ in a Given 24-Hour Format Time
  6. C Program to Convert the Local Time to GMT
  7. C Program to Convert Hours into Minutes and Seconds

C Program – More C Programs

  1. C Program to Show Runtime exceptions
  2. C Program to Show Types of errors
  3. C Program to Show Unreachable Code Error
  4. C Program to Find Quotient and Remainder
  5. C Program to Find the Initials of a Name
  6. C Program to Draw a Circle in Graphics
  7. Printing Source Code of a C Program Itself

FAQs on C Program

Q1: What is C programming?


C is a structured, high-level, and general-purpose programming language, developed in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. C language is considered as the mother language of all modern programming languages, widely used for developing system software, embedded software, and application software.

Q2: How do I write a “Hello, World!” program in C?


To write a “Hello, World!” program in C, you can use the following code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
printf(“Hello, World!\n”);
return 0;
This code uses the printf function to display the “Hello, World!” message on the screen.

Q3: Why should you learn C Programming?


There are many reasons why you should learn C programming:

  • Versatility
  • Efficiency
  • Portability
  • Widely used
  • Foundation for other languages
  • Employment opportunities and more.

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C Programs - C Programming Examples (2024)


How to write a C program for beginners? ›

Begin your 1st C Program
  1. Open any text editor or IDE and create a new file with any name with a .C extension. e.g. helloworld.c.
  2. Open the file and enter the below code: #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello, World!" ); return 0; } Run Code >>
  3. Compile and run the code.
May 27, 2024

How to practice C for beginners? ›

Utilize CodeChef's online courses and resources for a structured learning experience and practice through coding exercises and small projects.
  1. Master C fundamentals.
  2. Understand your microcontroller.
  3. Refer to datasheets and manuals.
  4. Enroll in Embedded C courses.
  5. Practice with hands-on projects.
  6. Use dedicated tools and IDEs.

What are 32 keywords in C language? ›

There are a total of 32 keywords in the language of C:
Jun 14, 2024

How to run a C program? ›

After the file has been compiled, the next step is to run the C program. For this, press the run icon at the top of the window, or press Ctrl + F10 to run the executable file created.

Where can I code C programming? ›

Popular IDE's include Code::Blocks, Eclipse, and Visual Studio. These are all free, and they can be used to both edit and debug C code. Note: Web-based IDE's can work as well, but functionality is limited.

Can I teach myself C programming? ›

You could also learn C programming on your own, at your own pace — it all depends on how you choose to go about it.

Is C hard for beginners? ›

Compared to other languages—like Java, PHP, or C#—C is a relatively simple language to learn for anyone just starting to learn computer programming because of its limited number of keywords.

Can I learn C in a week? ›

Learning C programming within one week can be challenging, but it is possible to get a basic understanding of the language and its concepts in that time frame. Here are a few steps you can take to get started: Start with the basics: Learn about data types, variables, operators, control structures, and functions.

How long does it take for a beginner to learn C programming? ›

If you are a beginner with no programming experience, you should expect it to take at least three months to learn the basics. If you have programmed before, it may only take you a month or two. To build mastery in C++, you should expect to spend at least two years working on improving your skills a little each day.

What is the main () in C? ›

The main function in C is the entry point of a C program, where the execution starts. It is a predefined function that must be included in every C program, and typically has the header "int main(void)" or "int main(int argc, char *argv[])".

Which programming language is the mother of all languages? ›

C language is considered as the mother language of all the modern programming languages because most of the compilers, JVMs, Kernels, etc. are written in C language, and most of the programming languages follow C syntax, for example, C++, Java, C#, etc.

What is #include stdio.h in C? ›

h" permits the programmer to carry out input/output operations and is utilized in C programming. Standard Input Output Header, or "stdio. h," contains features for handling file and console I/O, including the "printf()" function for formatted output and the "scanf()" function for formatted input.

What is the real life example of C language? ›

Where is C language used in real life? C is a widely used programming language that you can find in various real-life applications: Operating systems: Operating systems like Windows and Linux are written in C as it allows them to interact with the hardware of a computer at a low level.

What is C programming in short answer? ›

C is a procedural language that provides no support for objects and classes. C++ is a combination of OOP and procedural programming languages. C has 32 keywords and C++ has 63 keywords. C supports built-in data types, while C++ supports both built-in and user-defined data types.

What is function in C programming with examples? ›

A function is a block of code that executes a particular task in programing. It is a standalone piece of code that can be called from anywhere in the program. The return_type specifies the type of value that the function will return. If the function does not return anything, the return_type will be void .

What is C and C++ with example? ›

C is a structural or procedural programming language that was used for system applications and low-level programming applications. Whereas C++ is an object-oriented programming language having some additional features like Encapsulation, Data Hiding, Data Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, etc.


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Article information

Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 5489

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.